Firhan is going to be in kindergarten next year. Am actually anxious for him. Reason being, I cannot imagine him sitting still in class and actually pay attention to the teacher. Hahaha... What a prejudice mom, right? Tapi who can actually picture my son, Firhan, in a class and studying. He gets bored easily, can never sit still even when eating and the only time he can stay in one place is when he is sleeping. Tu pun tak sangat considering that I am always having body aches whenever he is sleeping next to me. Ader malam2 yang I cannot stand him kicking, I would just scold him and ask him to sleep next to the father. Hahaha... I know. I am mean... But not all the time yer. ( I think)...
Firhan progress so far? Hmm... I have longed to see Firhan ride a bike without the kiddy tyres so a few days ago I took if off his bike. I promised him that I will buy him a bigger bike that suits his size if he can ride it. Firhan pun aper lagik? Praktis la bersungguh-sungguh cos he wants a new bike for himself. Amazingly, after a few hours of trying, dia dapat naik basikal tayar dua. Bersungguh2 dia praktis sampai mama dia nih pun kesian kat dia. Berpeluh-peluh anak mama sorang nih praktis naik basikal nak tuntut basikal baru.
As promised, I bought him a new bike that evening jugak cos he has been practising hard to ride the bike. Sayang anak mama. Gamba akan diupload later cos line is not good still. Tunggu bukak skolah yer...
About Me

- As, Eija or Leeza
- Tanah Merah, Kelantan, Malaysia
- A wife, a mother of one, an educator and a homemaker
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
My mom and my sister and the family are going home today. Sedey nyer. Rasa cam kejap je sangat dia datang sini. Sigh....
Tinggal lebih kurang dua jam je lagik sebelum semua nyer will be on their way back to Kulim. Tapi I plan to prolong it a bit by being a bit late for breakfast. Hahaha... Jahatkan? Okay la tuh cos hubby and Firhan are not up yet though Mak dah siap mandi and tengah packing. As for myself... Jap2 lagik la nak siap. Mati la kalau Leenda tengah baca my post this morning. Hopefully dia tak sempat nak baca cos sebok ngan anak2 and packing barang and getting herself ready to go home. We promised to meet up at 10am for breakfast. Menu for this morning is Nasik Kerabu Kak Zah.
While my mom was here, food was heaven. Dia masak simple2 je tapi still la air tangan ibu is the best in the world. Eh, jangan silap. Dia masak 2,3 ari nak balik nih je. Yang lelain tuh I masak kay with my cincai skills of cos. Sempat la asah skills sekejap yang memang dah lama tak diasah. Looks like mak enjoyed it cos berat dia tambah masa dia kat sini. Hahahaha... Tak tau la whether because I cooked or what.
Then my sister came and we ate kat luar everyday cos she wanted to try everything. The evening yang dia sampai tuh kitorang reramai gi makan kat Mee Kg. Pek. My brother-in-law kata syeeedapppp. Malam tuh ingat nak ajak makan nasik lagik tapi diorang kata diorang dah kenyang makan mee tuh sampai rasa cam nak pecah perut. End up kitorang gi Wakaf Che Yeh shopping-shopping Malaysia. Kitorang sampai umah dah dekat 2am in the morning. Wahahaha...
Yesterday pulak kitorang gi makan Nasik Ayam Kampung. Syeeedapppp jugak. Tengah ari kitorang gi Rantau Panjang cos my sister nak makan Bihun Sup kat sana yang sememangnyer amat menjilat jari. Duk sana sampai dekat Maghrib. Malam lak my mother-in-law ajak gi makan kat umah so kitorang gi la lepak2 sana pulak for dinner. Balik kat homestay my sister kitorang lepak2 sampai midnight while sembang2 and eat Colek Perut, Laksam yang ader serunding daging and telur puyuh with buah2 yang kitorang beli kat Wakaf Che Yeh the day before.
Kalau ikut my sister, dia ader 2,3 mende lagik yang dia tak dapat nak makan while she is still here which are Cucuk2 which I don't know how to explain the kind of food yang dia suka nih, Colek Buah pacik depan Maybank yang yummy and also tapai goreng yang pacik n macik depan masjid nih mmg tak wat dah. Kalau dia lama sket kat sini I plan to bring her to Kota Bharu to try one goreng keledek yang memang menjilat jari kat area depan masjid Kg. Sireh on the way to Tesco. Tapi dah tak sempat nih kena kira trip yang lain pulak la nampak nyer. The more excuses to keep her coming over kan?
Overall I hope that my mother and my sister enjoyed their trip over to my house cos I did. I enjoyed every moment, every second that they were here and I hope that they would always come over. Sedeyyyy nyer diorang nak balik dahhhh... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....
Tinggal lebih kurang dua jam je lagik sebelum semua nyer will be on their way back to Kulim. Tapi I plan to prolong it a bit by being a bit late for breakfast. Hahaha... Jahatkan? Okay la tuh cos hubby and Firhan are not up yet though Mak dah siap mandi and tengah packing. As for myself... Jap2 lagik la nak siap. Mati la kalau Leenda tengah baca my post this morning. Hopefully dia tak sempat nak baca cos sebok ngan anak2 and packing barang and getting herself ready to go home. We promised to meet up at 10am for breakfast. Menu for this morning is Nasik Kerabu Kak Zah.
While my mom was here, food was heaven. Dia masak simple2 je tapi still la air tangan ibu is the best in the world. Eh, jangan silap. Dia masak 2,3 ari nak balik nih je. Yang lelain tuh I masak kay with my cincai skills of cos. Sempat la asah skills sekejap yang memang dah lama tak diasah. Looks like mak enjoyed it cos berat dia tambah masa dia kat sini. Hahahaha... Tak tau la whether because I cooked or what.
Then my sister came and we ate kat luar everyday cos she wanted to try everything. The evening yang dia sampai tuh kitorang reramai gi makan kat Mee Kg. Pek. My brother-in-law kata syeeedapppp. Malam tuh ingat nak ajak makan nasik lagik tapi diorang kata diorang dah kenyang makan mee tuh sampai rasa cam nak pecah perut. End up kitorang gi Wakaf Che Yeh shopping-shopping Malaysia. Kitorang sampai umah dah dekat 2am in the morning. Wahahaha...
Yesterday pulak kitorang gi makan Nasik Ayam Kampung. Syeeedapppp jugak. Tengah ari kitorang gi Rantau Panjang cos my sister nak makan Bihun Sup kat sana yang sememangnyer amat menjilat jari. Duk sana sampai dekat Maghrib. Malam lak my mother-in-law ajak gi makan kat umah so kitorang gi la lepak2 sana pulak for dinner. Balik kat homestay my sister kitorang lepak2 sampai midnight while sembang2 and eat Colek Perut, Laksam yang ader serunding daging and telur puyuh with buah2 yang kitorang beli kat Wakaf Che Yeh the day before.
Kalau ikut my sister, dia ader 2,3 mende lagik yang dia tak dapat nak makan while she is still here which are Cucuk2 which I don't know how to explain the kind of food yang dia suka nih, Colek Buah pacik depan Maybank yang yummy and also tapai goreng yang pacik n macik depan masjid nih mmg tak wat dah. Kalau dia lama sket kat sini I plan to bring her to Kota Bharu to try one goreng keledek yang memang menjilat jari kat area depan masjid Kg. Sireh on the way to Tesco. Tapi dah tak sempat nih kena kira trip yang lain pulak la nampak nyer. The more excuses to keep her coming over kan?
Overall I hope that my mother and my sister enjoyed their trip over to my house cos I did. I enjoyed every moment, every second that they were here and I hope that they would always come over. Sedeyyyy nyer diorang nak balik dahhhh... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....
Monday, December 7, 2009
Yesterday, I took my father-in-law to the hospital to get his hypertension medication. Everything went well until I get a terrible throbbing in my head. I wasn't myself tapi I tried my best to look ok in front of my father-in-law cos takut lak dia risau. The pain did not go away even after I was home. I asked my mother to massage my head a bit but tak jadik aper. I asked Mak Esah to massage me, still tak jadik aper. Finally I went onto the massage chair, duk kejap kat situ then I just cannot open my eyes and I stepped down and baring atas sofa sampai tertido.
After that, my sister-in-law gave me Actifast to ease the pain. Lega kejap tapi kejap je la. Apsal la at this time my medication sume abihs? Sakit tul! Dah lama tak sakit cam nih. Sian kat my sis-in-law cos kena masak utk orang2 kat umah even though she is in confinement. Nak wat camna lagik kan? Memang dah tak leh nak bukak mata langsung.
Finally I asked my brother-in-law to send me and my mother home sebab nak jugak kena carik my own medication sebab Actifast just wont work for me. Dah balik umah, mandi, makan, and makan ubat baru la legaaaaaaa rasa kepala.
Then I called my hubby to ask what time is he leaving Gua Musang so that I can estimate time dia nak sampai. Tetiba dia kasik tau yang kete kitorang accident. Adoiiiii... Another disaster la pulak. Tapi alhamdulillah nobody was hurt except my car. Sian my car. Dah baper kali dah dia accident.
Hmmm.... mintak2 ader la rahmat di sebalik semua dugaan nih. Doa2kan la kitorang ye...
After that, my sister-in-law gave me Actifast to ease the pain. Lega kejap tapi kejap je la. Apsal la at this time my medication sume abihs? Sakit tul! Dah lama tak sakit cam nih. Sian kat my sis-in-law cos kena masak utk orang2 kat umah even though she is in confinement. Nak wat camna lagik kan? Memang dah tak leh nak bukak mata langsung.
Finally I asked my brother-in-law to send me and my mother home sebab nak jugak kena carik my own medication sebab Actifast just wont work for me. Dah balik umah, mandi, makan, and makan ubat baru la legaaaaaaa rasa kepala.
Then I called my hubby to ask what time is he leaving Gua Musang so that I can estimate time dia nak sampai. Tetiba dia kasik tau yang kete kitorang accident. Adoiiiii... Another disaster la pulak. Tapi alhamdulillah nobody was hurt except my car. Sian my car. Dah baper kali dah dia accident.
Hmmm.... mintak2 ader la rahmat di sebalik semua dugaan nih. Doa2kan la kitorang ye...
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Jemput... Jemput... Jemput Jengok Kedai ku.... :)
Yeah.... bersempena ngan cuti skolah yang dah tak lama lagik nak abihs nih, demi untuk mengisik masa lapangku yang agak keboringan di rumah.... Aku telah mengusahakan sebuah kedai online. Barang2 nyer tak banyak lagik tapi buat masa sekarang nih tengah mempromote barangan terbaru iaitu Mandisplurge.
Dengar nama pun sure leh agak kan aper mende nyer. Nih la produk terbaru masa sekarang untuk add on to our toiletries set. Aku pun pakai gak mende nih dan amat puas ati la ngan keberkesanan nyer menghilangkan itam2 celah peha di samping bau nyer yang syyyeeeddaaappp itu.
Cakap banyak pun tak guna kat sini kalau tak try sendirik. Kalau rasa berminat or nak tahu ngan lebih lanjut lagik pasal produk nih... Silalah jenguk ke kedai ku di . Jemput ye kengkawan...
Dengar nama pun sure leh agak kan aper mende nyer. Nih la produk terbaru masa sekarang untuk add on to our toiletries set. Aku pun pakai gak mende nih dan amat puas ati la ngan keberkesanan nyer menghilangkan itam2 celah peha di samping bau nyer yang syyyeeeddaaappp itu.
Cakap banyak pun tak guna kat sini kalau tak try sendirik. Kalau rasa berminat or nak tahu ngan lebih lanjut lagik pasal produk nih... Silalah jenguk ke kedai ku di . Jemput ye kengkawan...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
So Many Happenings in Life...
It has been a while since I last put up a post here. Between the last post and this post, a lot has happened to me and that has caused me to keep on postponing my post until today.
The first thing that happened to me was my students sitting for their PMR examination last October. I hope and I pray that they all did well for their papers especially English la kan... Hehehehe...
And then, right after the PMR, the college organized a program for the post-PMR students and I was in-charge of the English Awareness program. Alhamdulillah everything went well although there was a glitch here and there. Mana ader mende yang perfect dalam dunia ni kan? The program held was no doubt good but the kids are not really fond of it, of course. Tak leh nak salahkan diorang gak cos diorang dah berhempas-pulas for their PMR and when they were looking forward to having a lonnggggg holiday tetiba ader post-PMR program pulak... Just imagine their faces and moods during the program. Memang menyedihkan jugak la... Tapi whatever it is, they tried their best and did their best.
Right after the post-PMR program was Commencement Day for the Form Three and Form Five students. Tak leh nak cite banyak sangat cos I wasn't there to witness it all. Tak gi amik gamba reramai pun cos I was busy preparing food and cleaning the venue for the VIPs. Heheheh... I was the AJK Makanan. Tak penah hayat dapat jawatan nih tetiba tahun nih dapat. Kalut ribut sediakan makanan n seating placements. Sib baik la ader pembantu2 yang efisien. Terima kasih daun keladi yer kengkawan... Kalau Eija kena lagik tahun depan, korang la yang akan ku cari... hehehehehe... And the best part was... The VIP commented that the food was good, the service was good. All in all, semua nyer positive comments. Legaaaaaaa sangat. Although I wasn't the one who did all the cooking, who cares. I was there to get the compliments kan? hehhehehe....
And then early November, bapak mentuaku dimasukkan ke hospital sebab sakit and had to undergo a minor surgery. Di saat bapak mentuaku menjalani operation tuh jugak la adik iparku gave birth to a baby girl yang semua nanti2kan... Mau tak nanti nyer? The youngest niece from my husband's side is now 12 years old and she is not into the girly2 dress. Dah besarkan? Tak leh la nak salahkan dia kalau dia tak nak ikut kepala2 makcik2 dia yang tak berapa nak leh harap sangat nih... Hehehe...
And the last thing that happened to me is right before Raya Haji. Two things actually. One is that my biras gave birth to another nephew for us all and another one was my mom came to celebrate Raya with me. Hehehehe...
Best tak my life? Everyday is a day to celebrate. I feel lucky that I am blessed with good students, family that I adore so much, extended family yang keep on growing (saper la pulak nak give birth next year yer?) and a good job that allows me to have fun all day.... What else could I ever ask for?
The first thing that happened to me was my students sitting for their PMR examination last October. I hope and I pray that they all did well for their papers especially English la kan... Hehehehe...
And then, right after the PMR, the college organized a program for the post-PMR students and I was in-charge of the English Awareness program. Alhamdulillah everything went well although there was a glitch here and there. Mana ader mende yang perfect dalam dunia ni kan? The program held was no doubt good but the kids are not really fond of it, of course. Tak leh nak salahkan diorang gak cos diorang dah berhempas-pulas for their PMR and when they were looking forward to having a lonnggggg holiday tetiba ader post-PMR program pulak... Just imagine their faces and moods during the program. Memang menyedihkan jugak la... Tapi whatever it is, they tried their best and did their best.
Right after the post-PMR program was Commencement Day for the Form Three and Form Five students. Tak leh nak cite banyak sangat cos I wasn't there to witness it all. Tak gi amik gamba reramai pun cos I was busy preparing food and cleaning the venue for the VIPs. Heheheh... I was the AJK Makanan. Tak penah hayat dapat jawatan nih tetiba tahun nih dapat. Kalut ribut sediakan makanan n seating placements. Sib baik la ader pembantu2 yang efisien. Terima kasih daun keladi yer kengkawan... Kalau Eija kena lagik tahun depan, korang la yang akan ku cari... hehehehehe... And the best part was... The VIP commented that the food was good, the service was good. All in all, semua nyer positive comments. Legaaaaaaa sangat. Although I wasn't the one who did all the cooking, who cares. I was there to get the compliments kan? hehhehehe....
And then early November, bapak mentuaku dimasukkan ke hospital sebab sakit and had to undergo a minor surgery. Di saat bapak mentuaku menjalani operation tuh jugak la adik iparku gave birth to a baby girl yang semua nanti2kan... Mau tak nanti nyer? The youngest niece from my husband's side is now 12 years old and she is not into the girly2 dress. Dah besarkan? Tak leh la nak salahkan dia kalau dia tak nak ikut kepala2 makcik2 dia yang tak berapa nak leh harap sangat nih... Hehehe...
And the last thing that happened to me is right before Raya Haji. Two things actually. One is that my biras gave birth to another nephew for us all and another one was my mom came to celebrate Raya with me. Hehehehe...
Best tak my life? Everyday is a day to celebrate. I feel lucky that I am blessed with good students, family that I adore so much, extended family yang keep on growing (saper la pulak nak give birth next year yer?) and a good job that allows me to have fun all day.... What else could I ever ask for?
feeling good
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I LIKEE!!!!!!!
Yes! Recently I tried online shopping and I just got my two things this morning. I LIKE it so much!!!
The first thing I bought was a handbag yang brand nyer dirahsiakan. Hehehehe... but it is my favorite brand. I've been trying to look for one that I really like and I found it while blogwalking last week. Without much hesitation, I bought one and it reached me this morning since I wasn't here on Sunday due to fever. I opened it excitedly in class ( dont't worry I wasn't teaching at that time. My students wanted to watch movies since next week they're having their standardized test). Although they were not as excited as I was, of course la kan but I just couldn't stop smiling until now. Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!! Memang puas ati la.
The second thing I bought was a sandal. Sandal warna itam yang tak leh pakai gi sekolah. He told me that it smelt sweet and it really does. Letak bawah meja pun still boleh bau lagik sandal tuh. Some sweet fruity smell. Nice la jugak. Wonder how long will the smell last.
So far this is the fourth thing that I bought online. I can say that now I am not as sceptical as before when buying online. It is as safe as going shopping. It just saves you the hassle of parking, beratur nak bayar and berebut2 ngan orang2 lain. You can just sit comfortably in your chair in your own house or office and buy things that you like. One turn off nyer is that you cannot really 'feel' the material that you are buying. Tuh je la kot.
Yang pentingnyer..... I LOVE MY RAYA HANDBAG.... Heheheheh...
The first thing I bought was a handbag yang brand nyer dirahsiakan. Hehehehe... but it is my favorite brand. I've been trying to look for one that I really like and I found it while blogwalking last week. Without much hesitation, I bought one and it reached me this morning since I wasn't here on Sunday due to fever. I opened it excitedly in class ( dont't worry I wasn't teaching at that time. My students wanted to watch movies since next week they're having their standardized test). Although they were not as excited as I was, of course la kan but I just couldn't stop smiling until now. Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!! Memang puas ati la.
The second thing I bought was a sandal. Sandal warna itam yang tak leh pakai gi sekolah. He told me that it smelt sweet and it really does. Letak bawah meja pun still boleh bau lagik sandal tuh. Some sweet fruity smell. Nice la jugak. Wonder how long will the smell last.
So far this is the fourth thing that I bought online. I can say that now I am not as sceptical as before when buying online. It is as safe as going shopping. It just saves you the hassle of parking, beratur nak bayar and berebut2 ngan orang2 lain. You can just sit comfortably in your chair in your own house or office and buy things that you like. One turn off nyer is that you cannot really 'feel' the material that you are buying. Tuh je la kot.
Yang pentingnyer..... I LOVE MY RAYA HANDBAG.... Heheheheh...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Iskkk... aku tak sempat2 lagik nak upload gamba yang diambik kat Taman Air Bukit Gambang awal Ogos ari tuh... Ntah bilernyer nak upload tak tau la. At the moment, tengah busy marking paper Trial PMR anak2ku yg tercinta. So far nampak cam ok tapi tak tau la biler kuar results keseluruhan nanti. Mau sakit jantung jugak agaknyer kalau dapat corots lagik... Tapi actually aku tak kisah sangat kalau corot time nih.. jangan corots time the real PMR udah la. Tuh lagik penting pada aku.
Sejak ari Sabtu ari tuh, I've been going home late due to sambutan kemerdekaan, meetings and extra classes with my form 3. On sambutan kemerdekaan last Saturday, the talk was amazing. At first I thought it would be boring since... yer la.. sejarah kan? Assuming that it would be boring, I brought along all my papers kononnyer nak marking la time ceramah tuh. Unfortunately the ceramah was superb that I enjoyed it so much. Papers tuh sume I tak sentuh langsung ok. Tak bawak kuar langsung pun! Even when my phone rang, I was a bit pissed because I had to leave the hall. Magik tuh cos normally it comes as a relief where I can go out for a while sambil2 makan angin time ceramah2 kat school nih.... And the best part was, my anak homeroom became the hero during the persembahan pelajar. Dia sorang je lawan a group of villains tau. I am so proud of him... Cam real je dia berpencak silat atas pentas. The villains even managed to rosakkan satu kipas angin time diorang berlari2 naik stage okay. Punyer la diorang nyer effort to make it as real as they can. I salute my students la... especially my son. Hehehehe...
Yes, baru dapat good news from the form 3 nyer penyelaras. Meeting petang esok ditukar ke pagi. Lega rasanyer dapat balik awal sket esok. Tapi boring nyer cos ader meeting almost everyday this week. Petang nih ader meeting graduasi pulak. Mintak2 la jangan lama sangat. I am tired already la... Sigh...
Sejak ari Sabtu ari tuh, I've been going home late due to sambutan kemerdekaan, meetings and extra classes with my form 3. On sambutan kemerdekaan last Saturday, the talk was amazing. At first I thought it would be boring since... yer la.. sejarah kan? Assuming that it would be boring, I brought along all my papers kononnyer nak marking la time ceramah tuh. Unfortunately the ceramah was superb that I enjoyed it so much. Papers tuh sume I tak sentuh langsung ok. Tak bawak kuar langsung pun! Even when my phone rang, I was a bit pissed because I had to leave the hall. Magik tuh cos normally it comes as a relief where I can go out for a while sambil2 makan angin time ceramah2 kat school nih.... And the best part was, my anak homeroom became the hero during the persembahan pelajar. Dia sorang je lawan a group of villains tau. I am so proud of him... Cam real je dia berpencak silat atas pentas. The villains even managed to rosakkan satu kipas angin time diorang berlari2 naik stage okay. Punyer la diorang nyer effort to make it as real as they can. I salute my students la... especially my son. Hehehehe...
Yes, baru dapat good news from the form 3 nyer penyelaras. Meeting petang esok ditukar ke pagi. Lega rasanyer dapat balik awal sket esok. Tapi boring nyer cos ader meeting almost everyday this week. Petang nih ader meeting graduasi pulak. Mintak2 la jangan lama sangat. I am tired already la... Sigh...
Monday, August 10, 2009
Trial Untuk Kurus....
Since I last updated my blog, I have been working to lose more weight. Even though constantly consuming herbalife... I have been cheating here and there especially when there were good food around and while celebrating my boy's birthday over in Kuantan the other day. Hahaha... But don't say I didn't try cos I've been trying hard to shed the weighs by going to the gym as much as every day with hubby and Firhan.
Ya betul!!! Dengan rasminyer sejak ujung bulan Julai yang lepas, me, hubby and Firhan telah dengan diligentnyer gi ke gym yang baru bukak kat Tanah Merah almost every day. Kalau tak sempat gi siang, kitorang gi malam except for last week when we celebrated Firhan's birthday kat Kuantan kat Taman Air Bukit Gambang. Gambar2 akan diupload later, insyaallah as the story goes along.
The first week gi gym, my weight naik mendadak cam aper jer. At first I was a bit gabra la. Mana tak nyer? Giler2 peluh and consuming herbalife and the weight seemed to go up and never down. But alhamdulillah, after some time, the weight seemed to turun a wee bit now. So, I am assuming that it was all the muscles building up la kot. Sebab tuh la berat naik cam hape je. Although berat naik, I feel good about myself especially cos I noticed that perut dah start turun sket. Probably a few centimetres but at least firm la sket daripada flabby tak tentu arah. Hahahah... Is it just me noticing things or betul? Tak tau la... takkan la pulak nak tampal gamba perut kat sini kan? So, let's just say that I am not imagining it la yer. Hopefully. Hahaha...
Yang bestnyer, after going to the gym and consuming herbalife for some time now, I think I looked better than before. Suka ati aku la nak puji diri sendirik yekk... Chiow...
Ya betul!!! Dengan rasminyer sejak ujung bulan Julai yang lepas, me, hubby and Firhan telah dengan diligentnyer gi ke gym yang baru bukak kat Tanah Merah almost every day. Kalau tak sempat gi siang, kitorang gi malam except for last week when we celebrated Firhan's birthday kat Kuantan kat Taman Air Bukit Gambang. Gambar2 akan diupload later, insyaallah as the story goes along.
The first week gi gym, my weight naik mendadak cam aper jer. At first I was a bit gabra la. Mana tak nyer? Giler2 peluh and consuming herbalife and the weight seemed to go up and never down. But alhamdulillah, after some time, the weight seemed to turun a wee bit now. So, I am assuming that it was all the muscles building up la kot. Sebab tuh la berat naik cam hape je. Although berat naik, I feel good about myself especially cos I noticed that perut dah start turun sket. Probably a few centimetres but at least firm la sket daripada flabby tak tentu arah. Hahahah... Is it just me noticing things or betul? Tak tau la... takkan la pulak nak tampal gamba perut kat sini kan? So, let's just say that I am not imagining it la yer. Hopefully. Hahaha...
Yang bestnyer, after going to the gym and consuming herbalife for some time now, I think I looked better than before. Suka ati aku la nak puji diri sendirik yekk... Chiow...
Monday, July 6, 2009
Fasting Trial
Today I made a fool of myself. I have class early in the morning so seperti biasa pagi2 nih kena la carik kunci nak bukak library dulu cos the staffs are not there yet. Memang aku rasa aku nih dah jadik seorang yg multipurpose sebab sume keje pun kena wat sendrik sampai ke tulih surat panggilan mesyuarat and such pun kena wat sendrik. Do we have clerks? Yes, of course but... Arrggghhh... sakit ati je nak cite pasal diorang nih. Sampai esok lusa pun tak abihs.
Back to my story. I have made a rule for my students to bring bottled water to class. So seperti biasa la, I was checking them out. When I don't see as much bottles as I hoped to see, I started babbling like there was no end until one of my students stopped me. "Madam, ari nih Isnin. Kitorang puasa." Gosh, I was malu to the black bone okay for forgetting. The worse thing was, I was fasting as well. I had to apologize to my students for my earlier babbling. Terpaksa la although I can hear all these small giggles from them. Sigh.... Apsal la aku luper yekk?
Back to my herbalife story. For sahur, I had only the shakes and water to wash them down. Takde makan mende lain pun sebab tak der mende kat umah nak masak. Hahahah... So far, do I feel hungry? Not yet as of now. Haus pun tak der lagik nih. So I think I would do well kot today. Wish me luck u'ols....
Back to my story. I have made a rule for my students to bring bottled water to class. So seperti biasa la, I was checking them out. When I don't see as much bottles as I hoped to see, I started babbling like there was no end until one of my students stopped me. "Madam, ari nih Isnin. Kitorang puasa." Gosh, I was malu to the black bone okay for forgetting. The worse thing was, I was fasting as well. I had to apologize to my students for my earlier babbling. Terpaksa la although I can hear all these small giggles from them. Sigh.... Apsal la aku luper yekk?
Back to my herbalife story. For sahur, I had only the shakes and water to wash them down. Takde makan mende lain pun sebab tak der mende kat umah nak masak. Hahahah... So far, do I feel hungry? Not yet as of now. Haus pun tak der lagik nih. So I think I would do well kot today. Wish me luck u'ols....
weight loss,
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Diet Again!
Hmmm... I have to start all over again after hearing and listening to all the comments that I got from all the friends over at Bentong last week. They all commented that I looked a bit slimmer than the last time they saw me although ader jugak yg commented yg I looked heavier. Maunyer tak comment cam tuh. The last time they saw me was when I first came back from the States dulu. Of course la kan. So I put those comments aside and took in those yang jumpa I recently and when I was busy completing my Dip Ed.
Walaupun stop kejap tapi still maintain guna at least once a day. Bukannyer totally stop so berat tak la fluctuate naik macam lepas2. That's why I like this product so much. Makan main2 pun still lagik the inches turun slow2. Just imagine what will happen if I focus using it through and through ari tuh. Nyesal.. Nyesal... Why did I stopped?
Selepas menyesal beberapa ketika and listening to all the comments that I had gotten over the whole week spent in Bentong, my new resolution for this week is to focus again on it and to really make full use of it to the max.
Wish me luck all!
Walaupun stop kejap tapi still maintain guna at least once a day. Bukannyer totally stop so berat tak la fluctuate naik macam lepas2. That's why I like this product so much. Makan main2 pun still lagik the inches turun slow2. Just imagine what will happen if I focus using it through and through ari tuh. Nyesal.. Nyesal... Why did I stopped?
Selepas menyesal beberapa ketika and listening to all the comments that I had gotten over the whole week spent in Bentong, my new resolution for this week is to focus again on it and to really make full use of it to the max.
Wish me luck all!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
process of losing weight
It's been a while since i last updated on my weight loss aight? Actually, I have not been that serious in losing weight. It seems like I have been satisfied with the 8 kilos that I've lost and I just wanted to stop there. I think this is just my excuse sebenarnyer. I have never been satisfied but was not bothered by it.
Although I have been playing around for months, I still take herbalife regularly. If I can't make it twice a day, I will at least make sure that I take it once. That has been my promise to myself since I first took it pun. So yang tuh still lagik maintan. As a result, walaupun consume herbalife whenever I feel like it, my weight tak la fluctuate naik giler2 which I am relieved.
Today, I wear a blouse that hubby bought when he went to Bandung last year rasanyer. Tak ingat la pulak tapi it has been a while la jugak tak pakai baju nih... Rasa cam tak der beza sangat tapi the others say that I looked a bit slimmer la sket. Don't really know whether they mean it or they just want me to feel good about myself. Whatever it is... I like the word slimmer.. Hahahah... Who really cares whether they mean it or not right? Hahaha...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
My Son, My Firhan....
Wow... It's been a while since I last updated my blog kan? Today, my son is my main topic because he achieved something last night which I am so proud of.
Me and hubby dah lama pujuk Firhan, our one and only, not to wear pampers any more at night but to no avail. Since he is not ready yet so we just let him be figuring that he will stop whenever he feels like he is ready like when we want to teach him potty. So, once in a while I will keep on asking him whether he is ready or not to not wear it at night but he still claims that he is not ready yet.
Then came the school holidays. I was determined that I want him to stop wearing it but when I asked him, Firhan still demanded for it. Dia kata nanti sian kat mama kalau tilam basah. Nanti kena banyak buat keje la, so on so forth. Kids nowadays. So I biar lagik dia pakai dia nyer pampers. The second week of the holidays, his favorite cousin, Arshad came back. So biasa la kan biler dah balik tuh update la on the latest news kan? So Arshad's latest achievement was that dia dah tak pakai pampers at night. He he he... Which means that now I have a greater excuse for Firhan not to wear his.
Then last night came. Firhan like always la getting ready for bed since mama dia mata dah separuh kuyu je dah. So biler time nak pakai pampers tuh dia kata, "mama, tak yah la pakai pampers malam nih. An nak jadik macam abg Shad. Abg Shad dah tak pakai pampers kan malam?" I was so proud of him. He really looks up to his abg. Shad. Everything that his abg. Shad did, he wants to do the same. And the best part is, he did not wet his bed. Whenever he feels like he needs to go, he kept on waking me up which is tiring but fine because he is trying his best to do it.
I am glad that I waited until he is ready for it. Kalau ari tuh I keep on forcing him to do it, probably the result won't be as satisfying as this. Kiter tengok pulak macam mana malam nih.
To my Firhan... Mama sayang An and I am proud that u r mine....MMUUUAAAHHSSSS
Me and hubby dah lama pujuk Firhan, our one and only, not to wear pampers any more at night but to no avail. Since he is not ready yet so we just let him be figuring that he will stop whenever he feels like he is ready like when we want to teach him potty. So, once in a while I will keep on asking him whether he is ready or not to not wear it at night but he still claims that he is not ready yet.
Then came the school holidays. I was determined that I want him to stop wearing it but when I asked him, Firhan still demanded for it. Dia kata nanti sian kat mama kalau tilam basah. Nanti kena banyak buat keje la, so on so forth. Kids nowadays. So I biar lagik dia pakai dia nyer pampers. The second week of the holidays, his favorite cousin, Arshad came back. So biasa la kan biler dah balik tuh update la on the latest news kan? So Arshad's latest achievement was that dia dah tak pakai pampers at night. He he he... Which means that now I have a greater excuse for Firhan not to wear his.
Then last night came. Firhan like always la getting ready for bed since mama dia mata dah separuh kuyu je dah. So biler time nak pakai pampers tuh dia kata, "mama, tak yah la pakai pampers malam nih. An nak jadik macam abg Shad. Abg Shad dah tak pakai pampers kan malam?" I was so proud of him. He really looks up to his abg. Shad. Everything that his abg. Shad did, he wants to do the same. And the best part is, he did not wet his bed. Whenever he feels like he needs to go, he kept on waking me up which is tiring but fine because he is trying his best to do it.
I am glad that I waited until he is ready for it. Kalau ari tuh I keep on forcing him to do it, probably the result won't be as satisfying as this. Kiter tengok pulak macam mana malam nih.
To my Firhan... Mama sayang An and I am proud that u r mine....MMUUUAAAHHSSSS
Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Orang kata aku lahir dari perut mak..
(bukan org kata...memang betul)
Bila dahaga, yang susukan aku....mak
Bila lapar, yang suapkan aku.....mak
Bila keseorangan, yang sentiasa di sampingku.. .mak
Kata mak, perkataan pertama yang aku sebut....Mak
Bila bangun tidur, aku cari....mak
Bila nangis, orang pertama yang datang ...mak
Bila nak bermanja, aku dekati....mak
Bila nak bergesel, aku duduk sebelah....mak
Bila sedih, yang boleh memujukku hanya....mak
Bila nakal, yang memarahi aku....mak
Bila merajuk, yang memujukku cuma....mak
Bila melakukan kesalahan, yang paling cepat marah....mak
Bila takut, yang tenangkan aku....mak
Bila nak peluk, yang aku suka peluk....mak
Aku selalu teringatkan ....mak
Bila sedih, aku mesti talipon....mak
Bila seronok, orang pertama aku nak beritahu.... .mak
Bila bengang.. aku suka luah pada..mak
Bila takut, aku selalu panggil... "mmaaakkkk! "
Bila sakit, orang paling risau adalah....mak
Bila nak exam, orang paling sibuk juga....mak
Bila buat hal, yang marah aku dulu....mak
Bila ada masalah, yang paling risau..... mak
Yang masih peluk dan cium aku sampai hari ni.. mak
Yang selalu masak makanan kegemaranku. ...mak
kalau balik ke kampung, yang selalu bekalkan ulam & lauk pauk.....mak
Yang selalu simpan dan kemaskan barang-barang aku....mak
Yang selalu berleter kat aku...mak
Yang selalu puji aku....mak
Yang selalu nasihat aku....mak
Bila nak kahwin..Orang pertama aku tunjuk dan rujuk.....mak
Aku ada pasangan hidup sendiri....
Bila seronok, aku cari....pasanganku
Bila sedih, aku cari....mak
Bila berjaya, aku ceritakan pada....pasanganku
Bila gagal, aku ceritakan pada.....mak
Bila bahagia, aku peluk erat....pasanganku
Bila berduka, aku peluk erat....emakku
Bila nak bercuti, aku bawa....pasanganku
Bila sibuk, aku hantar anak ke rumah....mak
Bila sambut valentine.. Aku bagi hadiah pada pasanganku
Bila sambut hari ibu...aku cuma dapat ucapkan “Selamat Hari Ibu”
Selalu.. aku ingat pasanganku
Selalu.. mak ingat kat aku
Bila-bila... aku akan talipon pasanganku
Entah bila... aku nak talipon mak
Selalu...aku belikan hadiah untuk pasanganku
Entah bila.... aku nak belikan hadiah untuk emak
"Kalau kau sudah habis belajar dan berkerja... bolehkah kau kirim wang untuk mak? mak bukan nak banyak... lima puluh ringgit sebulan pun cukuplah".
Berderai air mata jika kita mendengarnya. ........
Tapi kalau mak sudah tiada..........
Berapa ramai yang sanggup menyuapkan ibunya....
berapa ramai yang sanggup mencuci muntah ibunya.....
berapa ramai yang sanggup mengantikan lampin ibunya.....
berapa ramai yang sanggup membersihkan najis ibunya...... .
berapa ramai yang sanggup membuang ulat dan membersihkan luka kudis ibunya....
berapa ramai yang sanggup berhenti kerja untuk menjaga ibunya.....
dan akhir sekali berapa ramai yang sembahyang JENAZAH ibunya......
Seorang anak mendapatkan ibunya yang sedang sibuk menyediakan makan malam di dapur lalu menghulurkan sekeping kertas yang bertulis sesuatu. Si ibu segera mengesatkan tangan di apron menyambut kertas yang dihulurkan oleh si anak lalu membacanya.
dan akhir sekali berapa ramai yang sembahyang JENAZAH ibunya......
Seorang anak mendapatkan ibunya yang sedang sibuk menyediakan makan malam di dapur lalu menghulurkan sekeping kertas yang bertulis sesuatu. Si ibu segera mengesatkan tangan di apron menyambut kertas yang dihulurkan oleh si anak lalu membacanya.
Kos upah membantu ibu:
1) Tolong pergi kedai : RM4.00
1) Tolong pergi kedai : RM4.00
2) Tolong jaga adik : RM4..00
3) Tolong buang sampah : RM1.00
4) Tolong kemas bilik : RM2.00
5) Tolong siram bunga : RM3.00
6) Tolong sapu sampah : RM3.00
Jumlah : RM17.00
Selesai membaca, si ibu tersenyum memandang si anak sambil sesuatu berlegar-legar si mindanya. Si ibu mencapai sebatang pen dan menulis sesuatu di belakang kertas yang sama.
1) Kos mengandungkanmu selama 9 bulan - PERCUMA
1) Kos mengandungkanmu selama 9 bulan - PERCUMA
2) Kos berjaga malam kerana menjagamu - PERCUMA
3) Kos air mata yang menitis keranamu - PERCUMA
4) Kos kerunsingan kerana bimbangkanmu - PERCUMA
5) Kos menyediakan makan minum, pakaian, dan keperluanmu -PERCUMA
Jumlah Keseluruhan Nilai Kasihku - PERCUMA
Air mata si anak berlinang setelah membaca apa yang dituliskan oleh siibu. Si anak menatap wajah ibu,memeluknya dan berkata,
"Saya Sayangkan Ibu". Kemudian si anak mengambil pen dan menulis "Telah Dibayar" pada mukasurat yang sama ditulisnya.
"Saya Sayangkan Ibu". Kemudian si anak mengambil pen dan menulis "Telah Dibayar" pada mukasurat yang sama ditulisnya.
Reading through this piece of email sent to me by a friend somehow make me realized that sometimes we do take things for granted. We never appreciate things that are always there for us but when we lost it.... We yearn for it.
Pieces like this have always touched my heart dearly and deeply. It made me realized that life is not always like we want it to be and maybe what is written here in this piece might happen to me too as I too have a child of my own. Mintak simpang malaikat 44 that my child would neglect me la of course.
Anyways, I don't think that it is still too late to wish everyone out there a Happy Mother's Day whether you have a child or not because somehow we are always a mother nurturing someone somehow some way...
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
A piece of thought from a friend
I love you too much, I must let you go..
I love you too much
it hurts,
I love you too much
that i forgot to love myself
I love you too much
I do not know that its killing me
I love you too much
to allow you to do that to me
I love you too much
Until i forget what love is all about
I love you too damn much
it changes me
I saw your silhoutte
I thought i should forget
But i love you too much
it makes my tummy upset
Now i must let you go
I am letting you go
There is no more turning back
There is no more small tears track
When we are together
we bring out the worse in each other
I dont think thats how we should live forever
And now
I love myself more
I have nothing to be sorry for
True love endure
Isn't the piece just beautiful? It touches my heart deeply that I kept on reading it over and over again. This piece was written by a dear friend of mine since the last .... oh my gosh.... almost 19 years ago. I got to know her when we went to the same school when we were 13 years old. Lamakan?
She is dear to me because she is always there whenever I need her. Tak kisah la even though I call her rarely (my bad) because we were both busy with work and life (excuses... excuses) tapi whenever I need her, she would always be there without fail.
Now she is into writing and she writes really beautiful pieces. From now on, whenever one of my friends write something nice and inspiring, I would try to make it a habit to share it with all of you here.
Oh yea, Mother's Day is coming. Don't forget to spread the love to your mother's people. Yes, we've been busy but a few hours to celebrate the person who gave birth to you wouldn't make your life stop, right? As for me, I am thinking of going home to my mom this weekend. Kebetulan pulak that Sunday on Mother's Day is a holiday for us here in Kelantan. So why not grab the chance while it is still there kan?
To the mothers out there and soon-to-be-mothers.... Happy Mother's Day y'all....
I love you too much
it hurts,
I love you too much
that i forgot to love myself
I love you too much
I do not know that its killing me
I love you too much
to allow you to do that to me
I love you too much
Until i forget what love is all about
I love you too damn much
it changes me
I saw your silhoutte
I thought i should forget
But i love you too much
it makes my tummy upset
Now i must let you go
I am letting you go
There is no more turning back
There is no more small tears track
When we are together
we bring out the worse in each other
I dont think thats how we should live forever
And now
I love myself more
I have nothing to be sorry for
True love endure
Isn't the piece just beautiful? It touches my heart deeply that I kept on reading it over and over again. This piece was written by a dear friend of mine since the last .... oh my gosh.... almost 19 years ago. I got to know her when we went to the same school when we were 13 years old. Lamakan?
She is dear to me because she is always there whenever I need her. Tak kisah la even though I call her rarely (my bad) because we were both busy with work and life (excuses... excuses) tapi whenever I need her, she would always be there without fail.
Now she is into writing and she writes really beautiful pieces. From now on, whenever one of my friends write something nice and inspiring, I would try to make it a habit to share it with all of you here.
Oh yea, Mother's Day is coming. Don't forget to spread the love to your mother's people. Yes, we've been busy but a few hours to celebrate the person who gave birth to you wouldn't make your life stop, right? As for me, I am thinking of going home to my mom this weekend. Kebetulan pulak that Sunday on Mother's Day is a holiday for us here in Kelantan. So why not grab the chance while it is still there kan?
To the mothers out there and soon-to-be-mothers.... Happy Mother's Day y'all....
Monday, April 13, 2009
Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock!!
Yeehaaa... akhirnyer akan ku ubah juga figures kat ticker ku itu. Mesti sume org tertanya2 apsal la aku nyer ticker kali nih lambat bebeno berubahnyer. Jawapannyer amat la mudah... Sebab tak disiplin sangat. Last March banyak bebeno cuti skolah nyer yg menyebabkan aku asyik terbabas tanpa alasan yang munasabah. Sendirik wat sendrik mau tanggung la kan? Hahahaha.... Padan ngan muka sendrik.
Tapi yg bestnyer even though ticker ku itu amat lambat untuk berubah figures nyer one thing that I noticed that I am starting to get compliments from people around me. Heheheh... Aku gumbira!!!!! Students pun dah start complimenting on my figures now. Yang bestnyer even diorang pun dah ramai yang bawak botol air gi class to drink while studying to keep them fresh. It's a good start for them la kan to flush all the junk foods yang diorang consume the whole day and years before. Hehehe... Am promoting good health to the students indirectly. Aren't I proud of myself? Wohooo....
Yang paling make my day today was the fact that even the staffs kat office bawah leh mistaken me for someone else. I took that as a compliment sebab nama yg diorang sebut tuh... tidak la orangnyer kecik bebeno tapi slim la dari diriku inikan? Hehehehe... Best! Best! Best!
Now I need to figure out how to shed all the excess fat kat perut pulak... Any suggestions anyone? Tuh jer yang wat aku rasa hodoh lagik sekarang nih... Sigh....
And.... I am fasting today. As of 1o'clock nih I don't feel anything yet. I mean hungry and still energetic even though just sempat amik shake and not much water this morning for sahur. So far still okay lagik. Nampak macam bebudak kat skolah nih lagik lembik lak dari aku. AKU BANGGA!!!!! Hahaha (evil laugh nih) Muahahahhahah....
Tapi yg bestnyer even though ticker ku itu amat lambat untuk berubah figures nyer one thing that I noticed that I am starting to get compliments from people around me. Heheheh... Aku gumbira!!!!! Students pun dah start complimenting on my figures now. Yang bestnyer even diorang pun dah ramai yang bawak botol air gi class to drink while studying to keep them fresh. It's a good start for them la kan to flush all the junk foods yang diorang consume the whole day and years before. Hehehe... Am promoting good health to the students indirectly. Aren't I proud of myself? Wohooo....
Yang paling make my day today was the fact that even the staffs kat office bawah leh mistaken me for someone else. I took that as a compliment sebab nama yg diorang sebut tuh... tidak la orangnyer kecik bebeno tapi slim la dari diriku inikan? Hehehehe... Best! Best! Best!
Now I need to figure out how to shed all the excess fat kat perut pulak... Any suggestions anyone? Tuh jer yang wat aku rasa hodoh lagik sekarang nih... Sigh....
And.... I am fasting today. As of 1o'clock nih I don't feel anything yet. I mean hungry and still energetic even though just sempat amik shake and not much water this morning for sahur. So far still okay lagik. Nampak macam bebudak kat skolah nih lagik lembik lak dari aku. AKU BANGGA!!!!! Hahaha (evil laugh nih) Muahahahhahah....
Sunday, April 5, 2009
there's always a first time for everything

Lamanyer tak update blog. Supposededly nak kena timbang berat dah nih tapi tak tertimbang lagik cos malam tadik baru balik from Shah Alam. Lewat sampai sket sebab sepanjang jalan asyik jumpa ujan lebat.
This picture tepi nih is my classmates for my masters class. Tak cukup members nih sebab sorang tak der cos wifey just gave birth and anak kena jaundice. The baby dah discharged so no need to worry much. Just kena gi clinic every 2 days je. Congratulations Zamree!!! The other one yang tak der is Kak Pah. Tak tau apsal dia balik cepat yesterday. Tetiba je masa amik gamba dia ilang. The one in the middle sitting tuh is our lecturer, Prof. Dr. Hazadiah Dahan. I love her skirt very much. Ala-ala corak Sarawak gitu. She always has nice clothes on. Geram je nengok all her clothes collection. The class was really tough especially when it comes to the assignment part but we had fun during the class still. Thanks to Prof. Haz for the delicious dinner treat at Orkid Thai Restaurant. I would recommend you guys to go there too. Kitorang nyer meja abihs licin bantai lauk sampai tak tinggal sisa... Huahuahuahuahehhehe...
Talking about Shah Alam, something happened to me when I was there. I had my first asthma attack. Can you imagine that? Siap kena pakai mende sedut idung tuh lagik. Aper namanyer yekk? Tak salah nebulizer. I hope I got the spelling correct. It all started the night after the dinner with Prof. Haz. Balik tuh dah start rasa tak sedap but I just ignore it and took my sinus pills before sleep. However it got worse when I woke up for my class. Tapi gi jugak class tuh sebab it was the last class for the semester. Sampai kat class I just couldn't take it anymore and asked to go to the clinic. Sampai kat clinic the doctor was shocked to see how bad my asthma was and treat me for the nebulizer. Ader la jugak 10, 15 minutes kot duk sedut mende tuh and finally... TADAAAA... I was all okay. Went back to class but I just couldn't concentrate anymore sebab asyik dozed off je.
It was scary to have that kind of attack tapi alhamdulillah I am all better now. As of today, asyik batuk2 jer lagik tapi tak leh nak makan ubat sebab it can cause drowsiness and I have to drive to work today. Lagikpun takkan la nak masuk class ngan mata separa terbukak kan? Kalau cikgu nyer mata separa terbukak bebudak nih amik kesempatan la tutup mata terus. Bukan boleh kasik can ngan anak2 kesayangan kat skolah nih. Hahahaha... Biasak la tuh kan...
Wish me all the best yer. Hopefully it won't happen again....
p/s: Nanti eija update pasal berat. Asyik sibuk je sekarang nih. Firhan pun agak terabai sekarang nih. Sian dia. Sib baik class dah abihs though assignments tak siap lagik. Heheheh...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
me and herbalife
Camna ngan progress herbalife? So far so good. Anak2 sedara yang balik cuti skolah baru nih ader la jugak yang komen kata Cik Eija diorang nih nampak 'kurus' sket. Bangga tok sah nak cakap la. Memang gembira giler. Tapi penimbang tak jugak naik2 kononnyer nak kasik surprise. Tengah sabar lagik nih.
Then came the trip to Kl. Aku n Reen plan to meet up ngan adik kitorang yang pindah ke Batu Pahat awal tahun nih to celebrate our success in SPM 2008. Bukan budak jer yang celebrate ok, cikgu nyer pun celebrate jugak. Makanyer terjadikla peristiwa keterbabasan kitorang ngan makanan... makanan.. makanan di Shah Alam. Hahahaha...
Oh yea... before pegi amik Zue kat station bas, kitorang gi melepak kat Giant and came across one very nice penimbang yang measure kadar air dalam badan, lemak + of cos la berat badan kiter kan. Harga boleh dikatakan affordable so, aku pun walau dalam keadaan yang agak kekeringan beli jugak la penimbang tuh. Hehehehe... Yang pentingnyer... Aku memang puas ati... Nak amik gamba tapi kamera lak wat hal. So, nanti2 la aku buh gamba penimbang 'canggih' tuh dalam nih yekk...
Pagi2 the next morning, dengan bangganyer aku pun naik atas penimbang canggih tuh. Wahhhh.... dah 64kg. Tapi sejak dari episod keterbabasan kat Shah Alam tuh tak naik lagik penimbang tuh atas sebab2 yang tak dapat nak dielakkan. Nanti lepas2 nih kiter tengok whether number tuh still the same atau tak. Tapi for the time being, ticker tuh takkan ditukar lagik nombornyer sampailah dapat disahkan berat sebenarnyer. Takut seyy.... Serious aku makan banyak ari tuh. Ntah2 makin berat la pulak. Tapi... sendiri punyer salah... sendiri mau tanggung la kan? Hahahaha...
Then came the trip to Kl. Aku n Reen plan to meet up ngan adik kitorang yang pindah ke Batu Pahat awal tahun nih to celebrate our success in SPM 2008. Bukan budak jer yang celebrate ok, cikgu nyer pun celebrate jugak. Makanyer terjadikla peristiwa keterbabasan kitorang ngan makanan... makanan.. makanan di Shah Alam. Hahahaha...
Oh yea... before pegi amik Zue kat station bas, kitorang gi melepak kat Giant and came across one very nice penimbang yang measure kadar air dalam badan, lemak + of cos la berat badan kiter kan. Harga boleh dikatakan affordable so, aku pun walau dalam keadaan yang agak kekeringan beli jugak la penimbang tuh. Hehehehe... Yang pentingnyer... Aku memang puas ati... Nak amik gamba tapi kamera lak wat hal. So, nanti2 la aku buh gamba penimbang 'canggih' tuh dalam nih yekk...
Pagi2 the next morning, dengan bangganyer aku pun naik atas penimbang canggih tuh. Wahhhh.... dah 64kg. Tapi sejak dari episod keterbabasan kat Shah Alam tuh tak naik lagik penimbang tuh atas sebab2 yang tak dapat nak dielakkan. Nanti lepas2 nih kiter tengok whether number tuh still the same atau tak. Tapi for the time being, ticker tuh takkan ditukar lagik nombornyer sampailah dapat disahkan berat sebenarnyer. Takut seyy.... Serious aku makan banyak ari tuh. Ntah2 makin berat la pulak. Tapi... sendiri punyer salah... sendiri mau tanggung la kan? Hahahaha...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Rasa lega yang amat lepas result SPM kuar pagi tadik. Officially result kitorang meningkat yang amat sangat dari tahun lepas. Tahun nih kitorang dapat 78% A1 and A2. Lega yang amat rasanyer. Sekarang nih rasa cam nak pulang paku buah keras balik je pada yang mengata kitorang ari tuh. Sib baik la kitorang nih kira baik lagik dan tau lagik mana yang baik and mana yang buruk.
Out of all the years yang dah ngajar kat Jeli nih rasanyer tahun nih antara yang paling ramai naik bilik guru to thank the teachers. Rupa2 nyer ingat jugak diorang nih kat kitorang walaupun dah dapat result cemerlang. Terharu seyyyy....
Nothing is as rewarding as seeing the smile on the students' faces and when they thanked us for teaching them.
Out of all the years yang dah ngajar kat Jeli nih rasanyer tahun nih antara yang paling ramai naik bilik guru to thank the teachers. Rupa2 nyer ingat jugak diorang nih kat kitorang walaupun dah dapat result cemerlang. Terharu seyyyy....
Nothing is as rewarding as seeing the smile on the students' faces and when they thanked us for teaching them.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Penat semalam duk skolah satu ari masih lagik terasa. Sib baik la esok dah ari Khamis. Tuh pun satu hal jugak. Esok result SM kuar. Aper la result English utk tahun nih. Mintak2 la elok pasal tak larat nak tadah telinga dengar orang bebel. Yang pentingnyer, Eija rasa Eija dah wat yang terbaik utk my students. I prayed that they would get the best in life.
Ntah la naper, tapi Eija notice yang Eija agak pemalas sejak dilabel nih. Rasa macam tak diappreciated jer. Bengang pun ader jugak. Tak abihs2 lagik rasa tak puas ati nih rupanyer.
And the most bengang part is that the person wont comment on my losing weight sekarang nih. Puas dah duk wat catwalk depan dia but she just wont budge. Dah macam2 baju dah duk catwalk depan dia nih. Keras ati sungguh la. Time Eija gemuk ari tuh berlumba2 nak comment although Eija tak nak dengar pun comment2 bernas diorang nih. Tapi now that I am a bit slimmer, tak der pulak comment2 dari orang yang selalu duk perati Eija atas bawah 24 jam nih. Makcik bengang ok.
Tapi... ader ker orang dalam dunia nih yang penah puas ati ngan aper yang dia ader yekkk? Hmm... I should give that a thought. Memang kiter tak penah puas ngan aper yang kiter ader kan?
Ntah la naper, tapi Eija notice yang Eija agak pemalas sejak dilabel nih. Rasa macam tak diappreciated jer. Bengang pun ader jugak. Tak abihs2 lagik rasa tak puas ati nih rupanyer.
And the most bengang part is that the person wont comment on my losing weight sekarang nih. Puas dah duk wat catwalk depan dia but she just wont budge. Dah macam2 baju dah duk catwalk depan dia nih. Keras ati sungguh la. Time Eija gemuk ari tuh berlumba2 nak comment although Eija tak nak dengar pun comment2 bernas diorang nih. Tapi now that I am a bit slimmer, tak der pulak comment2 dari orang yang selalu duk perati Eija atas bawah 24 jam nih. Makcik bengang ok.
Tapi... ader ker orang dalam dunia nih yang penah puas ati ngan aper yang dia ader yekkk? Hmm... I should give that a thought. Memang kiter tak penah puas ngan aper yang kiter ader kan?
Thursday, March 5, 2009
pictures of me in school today....
Tapi aper2 pun I do feel good today. Tadik on the way nak gi bilik guru, ader one of the staffs kat makmal yang tengah practice main carrom ran out and said to me, "Eija..... nampak kurus sangat ari nih." I LIKKKKEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
This is me in school today working on my herbalife shake... Hehehe... Mind the table because it is full with papers and things that my students kept on dumping everytime they came around.
Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know that it's Thursday and I am supposed to wear batik today but my dress do look like batik a bit, right? He.. he... he... Who cares? Nobody dared to say anything to me these few days since the incident in the meeting room a few days ago. I am REBELLING at the moment. Ha.. ha.. ha...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
So... this is my mentor, my health saviour and my friend. Friend is just too small of a word to describe her. She is more like a sister than a friend. She is the one responsible introducing me to the world of herbalife. If it is not for her, I would still be the old me.
You can see that she too has shed the excess weight that was once with her. This is the picture of her today, wearing the same baju kurung that she once wore two years ago in the first picture that I posted before. Notice the changes?
To Kak Ros... Thanks for introducing me to Herbalife. I don't know how to repay everything that you've done for me. I'm very grateful that you are there in my trouble times and in helping me and supporting me in everything I do.
So, here are the pictures that I have promised. Can you see the difference? Yeehaaa... Let me do a little description of the pictures. The one in shirt was me in Decemver 2008. See the butt and the tummy? Hehehe... And then the one in the red baju kurung and the white blouse is me after one month consuming herbalife. And the baju kurung kedah is me today... I have lost the tummy and butt... hahahhahaha.... I think I will put up more pictures today just because I am so HAPPY!!!!!
I feel good!!!!
I do feel better today. I am wearing a new tudung and baju kurung kedah that i can't fit into since.... I don't remember when. What I know is that I have not worn it for quite some time because of my bulging tummy. Thank to me for being stubborn, not wanting to wear the bengkung after I give birth to Firhan.
What makes me feel even better was the fact that my son actually commented that I do look slimmer now. Last night as I was busy walking to and fro in the house looking and trying to clean my things, my Firhan said, "Mama, mama kurus la sekarang". And that really makes my day... errr... night... er... whatever... And that comment makes me smile until today.
I did take a picture of myself today since it is exactly 2 months after I've taken Herbalife. I will upload it later. Need to finish up some work first... And I am still smiling!!!!!
What makes me feel even better was the fact that my son actually commented that I do look slimmer now. Last night as I was busy walking to and fro in the house looking and trying to clean my things, my Firhan said, "Mama, mama kurus la sekarang". And that really makes my day... errr... night... er... whatever... And that comment makes me smile until today.
I did take a picture of myself today since it is exactly 2 months after I've taken Herbalife. I will upload it later. Need to finish up some work first... And I am still smiling!!!!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
work, work, work
I felt like screaming my lungs out since yesterday's meeting. I was shocked that one of the people in the admin labelled my unit as lazy, uncooperative and hard to deal with. And all that labelling rooted from our discrepancies over the holiday camp! All because of that holiday camp that not even the students want to have a share with!!!! ARRRGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!
I don't know what went wrong and what triggers all that negative comments about us but when that happened, somehow I just got the courage and the guts to remind her that it's not like we are LAZY to work or are trying to be DIFFICULT, but everything happens unexpectedly. For example, is it my fault that UPSI is holding its convocation on the very day that the holiday camp starts? Is it my fault that my Masters class is during the weekends? IS IT SUCH A HUGE MISTAKE THAT I WANTED TO PURSUE MY MASTERS NOW AFTER WORKING FOR 8 YEARS? And was it my fault that MARA decided to send 4 out of the 7 English teachers for their KDC-KPLI for one whole year everytime there is a holiday since 2007 to 2008? Is it really my fault? ADOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!
What's wrong with the people nowadays? As if I have such good connection with all those people that I purposedly arrange for every date to befall on the dates when the college has something going on. I didn't know that with me not being in all the programs held in the college that somehow the program would collapsed or would not run as smoothly as it should be. I didn't know that my presence is all that important after all.
What is wrong with the people out there? Can't they just leave me alone and just let me do my work my way. Aren't they supposed to be satisfied with the progress of my students who are slowly improving and that all my work are done and completed as scheduled? Aren't they supposed to?
I don't know what went wrong and what triggers all that negative comments about us but when that happened, somehow I just got the courage and the guts to remind her that it's not like we are LAZY to work or are trying to be DIFFICULT, but everything happens unexpectedly. For example, is it my fault that UPSI is holding its convocation on the very day that the holiday camp starts? Is it my fault that my Masters class is during the weekends? IS IT SUCH A HUGE MISTAKE THAT I WANTED TO PURSUE MY MASTERS NOW AFTER WORKING FOR 8 YEARS? And was it my fault that MARA decided to send 4 out of the 7 English teachers for their KDC-KPLI for one whole year everytime there is a holiday since 2007 to 2008? Is it really my fault? ADOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!
What's wrong with the people nowadays? As if I have such good connection with all those people that I purposedly arrange for every date to befall on the dates when the college has something going on. I didn't know that with me not being in all the programs held in the college that somehow the program would collapsed or would not run as smoothly as it should be. I didn't know that my presence is all that important after all.
What is wrong with the people out there? Can't they just leave me alone and just let me do my work my way. Aren't they supposed to be satisfied with the progress of my students who are slowly improving and that all my work are done and completed as scheduled? Aren't they supposed to?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I feel GOOD!!!
Last night, when I was invigilating my Sayangi Daku group of students, I managed to get some of the students comments on my weight. I asked them whether they have noticed anything different with me. The answers that I got from them was..... YES!!!! Ha ha ha.... I feel like shouting and since then I can't stop smiling. I FEEL GOOD. Ha... ha... ha...
Where did I have the courage to ask the students finally? I did not ask them before because I was afraid of getting negative answers that would put me down. I just think that I am not ready yet but somehow when I was walking around one of my classes this week, a group of girls was telling me that they noticed that I was somehow different. When I asked them what was different with me, they almost blurted out the word 'kurus' but she somehow decided to hold it back. I kept on hinting to get them to say it and asking them but the reply was still.... Madam looked different la. Cannot get them to say it. Sigh.... But somehow the feeling of happiness is sinking in.
What makes me smile even broader was that my hubby too is commenting that I look better now than before. He said that if I can stay this size, he is satisfied already. I just realized that he has never seen me in a smaller size before... Yes he has seen me in a smaller size, but that was only in pictures, not real life. I married him when I was about 66kg. I pity him so that is why I am promising myself that I would work hard and will try to be in this program until I get my old weight when I first came back from the States. I want him to be more impressed and love me even more. He he he.
What motivated me more in losing weight was him anyways. He is into superbike and I don't think that I would look good riding with him on the bike. Who would want people to stare at your big butt, right? So, that is why I am trying really hard to lose weight. I want to look good on the bike and also for my beloved hubby.
Where did I have the courage to ask the students finally? I did not ask them before because I was afraid of getting negative answers that would put me down. I just think that I am not ready yet but somehow when I was walking around one of my classes this week, a group of girls was telling me that they noticed that I was somehow different. When I asked them what was different with me, they almost blurted out the word 'kurus' but she somehow decided to hold it back. I kept on hinting to get them to say it and asking them but the reply was still.... Madam looked different la. Cannot get them to say it. Sigh.... But somehow the feeling of happiness is sinking in.
What makes me smile even broader was that my hubby too is commenting that I look better now than before. He said that if I can stay this size, he is satisfied already. I just realized that he has never seen me in a smaller size before... Yes he has seen me in a smaller size, but that was only in pictures, not real life. I married him when I was about 66kg. I pity him so that is why I am promising myself that I would work hard and will try to be in this program until I get my old weight when I first came back from the States. I want him to be more impressed and love me even more. He he he.
What motivated me more in losing weight was him anyways. He is into superbike and I don't think that I would look good riding with him on the bike. Who would want people to stare at your big butt, right? So, that is why I am trying really hard to lose weight. I want to look good on the bike and also for my beloved hubby.
feeling good,
Monday, February 23, 2009
Yeehaaaa.... I have shed another kilo of my weight. I just couldn't describe how happy I felt after I weighed myself this morning. My coach had reminded me thousand of times not to feel bad if I did not lose any weight this second month so, I was trying my best not to feel too bad watching the scale. It is beyond words knowing that after three weeks I shed another kilo off.
A kilo is not much but it really means a lot to me. That means I am a kilo closer to my dream weight. He he he... I am really HAPPY!!!
And now I am waiting and looking for my colleague to brag about me losing a kilo today.
A kilo is not much but it really means a lot to me. That means I am a kilo closer to my dream weight. He he he... I am really HAPPY!!!
And now I am waiting and looking for my colleague to brag about me losing a kilo today.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
What I Did to Lose Weight?
I do not know whether anyone has been reading my blog or not but... I don't really mind. Now it is time for me to share the secrets of my weight loss.
For a month and a half, I have been consuming Herbalife. Mind you that I have been trying numerous products to shed the weights that I have gained over the years. You name it, insyaallah I have tried it. I don't think that I should list the products that I have tried.
By far, I think Herbalife tops it all. Not only that I can see the changes in me, people around me have noticed it too. Best of all, the taste is much, much better than other products out there. Some might have problems consuming it at first but with the different flavors that it offers, you can always find one that suits your taste buds.
As I have mentioned before, during the first month I have lost 6kg. In this second month though I have not lose anything yet. I panicked at first but through consultation from people that have used it before, they told me that the second month is the time where my body is being toned down. Then only I noticed that although I have not shed anything as of yet, my body is getting smaller as I can already fit in into my pants that I have not worn for over two years. I can easily snug into a blouse that my sister bought me in 2007! Isn't that great? It is for me, at least.
Because I am so happy with the results, I have decided that I wanted to share the information with the rest of the people out there. Oh yeah, Herbalife is not a slimming product. It is actually a meal replacement that is rich in nutrition. It should not only be consumed by people who wanted to lose weight. Everybody should try it out because it helps you to maintain your health. Everybody should try it out whether you are skinny, slim, fat, obese, or looking for products that can keep you healthy. HERBALIFE IS IT!!!!
For a month and a half, I have been consuming Herbalife. Mind you that I have been trying numerous products to shed the weights that I have gained over the years. You name it, insyaallah I have tried it. I don't think that I should list the products that I have tried.
By far, I think Herbalife tops it all. Not only that I can see the changes in me, people around me have noticed it too. Best of all, the taste is much, much better than other products out there. Some might have problems consuming it at first but with the different flavors that it offers, you can always find one that suits your taste buds.
As I have mentioned before, during the first month I have lost 6kg. In this second month though I have not lose anything yet. I panicked at first but through consultation from people that have used it before, they told me that the second month is the time where my body is being toned down. Then only I noticed that although I have not shed anything as of yet, my body is getting smaller as I can already fit in into my pants that I have not worn for over two years. I can easily snug into a blouse that my sister bought me in 2007! Isn't that great? It is for me, at least.
Because I am so happy with the results, I have decided that I wanted to share the information with the rest of the people out there. Oh yeah, Herbalife is not a slimming product. It is actually a meal replacement that is rich in nutrition. It should not only be consumed by people who wanted to lose weight. Everybody should try it out because it helps you to maintain your health. Everybody should try it out whether you are skinny, slim, fat, obese, or looking for products that can keep you healthy. HERBALIFE IS IT!!!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
a step at a time

See the difference? The one with the pants was taken in December 2008. The baju kurung was taken end of January 2009. Do you notice the difference? I have lost around 6kg since then and I hope to lose a bit more after this.
It all felt impossible at first but by looking at the pictures of me then and now, it makes me feel good about myself.
As of today, during the Majlis Pelancaran Program Kecemerlangan Akademik PMR & SPM 2009, I am wearing my recently made baju kurung. Some of the staffs commented that the baju kurung looked too big on me and the baju kurung was sewn in December last year. They said that I looked like I am wearing someone else's baju kurung instead of mine. Finally.... I am making my small steps in losing my weights and I AM FEELING GOOD ABOUT IT!!!!!
The Truth About Me
I have been putting my hands on almost every product that I can in order to help me lose all my excessive weights. You name it, insyaallah I have tried it. Be it local or overseas product.
It all started when I started to put on weight during the final year I was in the States. A few months before I came home, my supervisor (Sangeeta), boss (Sam Patterson) and colleagues taught me to consume cheese as I was complaining to them that I got irregular menses. They came to a conclusion that I need to be fatter as I was too skinny. Being an obedient girl, I ate as they had proposed. Unfortunately it did not stop there. (Wish that I am not that lazy to scan my pictures from the States years. We'll see how)
When I came back and started working in one of the boarding schools in Kelantan, I did not stop putting on weight despite the fact that the school is like 4 storeys high and is located at a hilly area. No matter how much many steps I took to go to all my classes, it did not stop me from putting more weights. In fact I actually managed to put more weights instead of losing them. I was still comfortable as I think I still look good. Just to make myself feel better, I went spa every chance I have though I still eat like crazy whenever food comes across me.

Then I got married. Gosh! I hate my wedding pictures coz I look fat! By then, I started to realize how ugly I look and started to switch roles. Instead of being the one in all pictures, I started to be the one who took pictures. I tried almost everything that people say would work in losing the fat. When I was pregnant with Firhan, it got worse. I weighed 72kg at the end of my trimester. I was damned fat and look like a balloon waiting to burst.
Things was better for a few months after I gave birth to Firhan. My mother and father-in-law managed to slim me down for a few months but not for long. I started to put on weight again. Now it was worse as I got back my weight when I was pregnant with Firhan minus the baby. I tried almost everything to lose it again.
I think I have to stop writing for a while as I need to get ready to go to school tonight. Let me show you my pictures ok....
That picture was taken during 2007 Raya celebration in school. I was 72kg at that time.
It all started when I started to put on weight during the final year I was in the States. A few months before I came home, my supervisor (Sangeeta), boss (Sam Patterson) and colleagues taught me to consume cheese as I was complaining to them that I got irregular menses. They came to a conclusion that I need to be fatter as I was too skinny. Being an obedient girl, I ate as they had proposed. Unfortunately it did not stop there. (Wish that I am not that lazy to scan my pictures from the States years. We'll see how)
When I came back and started working in one of the boarding schools in Kelantan, I did not stop putting on weight despite the fact that the school is like 4 storeys high and is located at a hilly area. No matter how much many steps I took to go to all my classes, it did not stop me from putting more weights. In fact I actually managed to put more weights instead of losing them. I was still comfortable as I think I still look good. Just to make myself feel better, I went spa every chance I have though I still eat like crazy whenever food comes across me.
Then I got married. Gosh! I hate my wedding pictures coz I look fat! By then, I started to realize how ugly I look and started to switch roles. Instead of being the one in all pictures, I started to be the one who took pictures. I tried almost everything that people say would work in losing the fat. When I was pregnant with Firhan, it got worse. I weighed 72kg at the end of my trimester. I was damned fat and look like a balloon waiting to burst.
Things was better for a few months after I gave birth to Firhan. My mother and father-in-law managed to slim me down for a few months but not for long. I started to put on weight again. Now it was worse as I got back my weight when I was pregnant with Firhan minus the baby. I tried almost everything to lose it again.
I think I have to stop writing for a while as I need to get ready to go to school tonight. Let me show you my pictures ok....
That picture was taken during 2007 Raya celebration in school. I was 72kg at that time.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I think I know what to use this blog for. Besides from keeping track of the happenings in life, I want to use it to keep track of my weight loss program. You know to keep track of my weight. I need this so that I know how much and how long will it take me to get to my ideal weight.
Unfortunately, I have tried many weight loss tickers and so far not one of them are compatible with this blog. I have been searching and trying more than five I think but to no avail as of now. Wonder how it works. I have seen many put it on their blogs but when I tried, it won't allow me saying that it was broken or something. What do I have to do to make it work? Sigh...
Maybe I will find other ways to monitor my weight loss. If it works, then Thank God. If not, looks like I have to ask for help from someone who knows how to. All in all, wish me luck ok?
Unfortunately, I have tried many weight loss tickers and so far not one of them are compatible with this blog. I have been searching and trying more than five I think but to no avail as of now. Wonder how it works. I have seen many put it on their blogs but when I tried, it won't allow me saying that it was broken or something. What do I have to do to make it work? Sigh...
Maybe I will find other ways to monitor my weight loss. If it works, then Thank God. If not, looks like I have to ask for help from someone who knows how to. All in all, wish me luck ok?
Monday, February 9, 2009
Hmmm... this is my first attempt on blogging. I don't have any ideas on what to write yet but I hope that it would come to me sooner or later. It was fun to read others that I think that I should try it on my own to see how it goes.
So far, I would say that I am enjoying myself. The best part is the fact that I can write practically whatever I want and the hardest part was that I am not that techno-savvy to begin with. Hehehe....
Need to mark my students work. I will continue later...
So far, I would say that I am enjoying myself. The best part is the fact that I can write practically whatever I want and the hardest part was that I am not that techno-savvy to begin with. Hehehe....
Need to mark my students work. I will continue later...
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