Wow... It's been a while since I last updated my blog kan? Today, my son is my main topic because he achieved something last night which I am so proud of.
Me and hubby dah lama pujuk Firhan, our one and only, not to wear pampers any more at night but to no avail. Since he is not ready yet so we just let him be figuring that he will stop whenever he feels like he is ready like when we want to teach him potty. So, once in a while I will keep on asking him whether he is ready or not to not wear it at night but he still claims that he is not ready yet.
Then came the school holidays. I was determined that I want him to stop wearing it but when I asked him, Firhan still demanded for it. Dia kata nanti sian kat mama kalau tilam basah. Nanti kena banyak buat keje la, so on so forth. Kids nowadays. So I biar lagik dia pakai dia nyer pampers. The second week of the holidays, his favorite cousin, Arshad came back. So biasa la kan biler dah balik tuh update la on the latest news kan? So Arshad's latest achievement was that dia dah tak pakai pampers at night. He he he... Which means that now I have a greater excuse for Firhan not to wear his.
Then last night came. Firhan like always la getting ready for bed since mama dia mata dah separuh kuyu je dah. So biler time nak pakai pampers tuh dia kata, "mama, tak yah la pakai pampers malam nih. An nak jadik macam abg Shad. Abg Shad dah tak pakai pampers kan malam?" I was so proud of him. He really looks up to his abg. Shad. Everything that his abg. Shad did, he wants to do the same. And the best part is, he did not wet his bed. Whenever he feels like he needs to go, he kept on waking me up which is tiring but fine because he is trying his best to do it.
I am glad that I waited until he is ready for it. Kalau ari tuh I keep on forcing him to do it, probably the result won't be as satisfying as this. Kiter tengok pulak macam mana malam nih.
To my Firhan... Mama sayang An and I am proud that u r mine....MMUUUAAAHHSSSS
About Me

- As, Eija or Leeza
- Tanah Merah, Kelantan, Malaysia
- A wife, a mother of one, an educator and a homemaker
Thursday, June 18, 2009
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memang senang kalau budak2 nih decide sndiri dari mak bapak paksa...
ReplyDeletehehehe...utk mengelakkan kejadian tak diingini, wat i usually do is paksa dia pegi wee-wee before least the bladder is not full when they sleep:)so d posibility of him wetting his bed is lower...