Since I last updated my blog, I have been working to lose more weight. Even though constantly consuming herbalife... I have been cheating here and there especially when there were good food around and while celebrating my boy's birthday over in Kuantan the other day. Hahaha... But don't say I didn't try cos I've been trying hard to shed the weighs by going to the gym as much as every day with hubby and Firhan.
Ya betul!!! Dengan rasminyer sejak ujung bulan Julai yang lepas, me, hubby and Firhan telah dengan diligentnyer gi ke gym yang baru bukak kat Tanah Merah almost every day. Kalau tak sempat gi siang, kitorang gi malam except for last week when we celebrated Firhan's birthday kat Kuantan kat Taman Air Bukit Gambang. Gambar2 akan diupload later, insyaallah as the story goes along.
The first week gi gym, my weight naik mendadak cam aper jer. At first I was a bit gabra la. Mana tak nyer? Giler2 peluh and consuming herbalife and the weight seemed to go up and never down. But alhamdulillah, after some time, the weight seemed to turun a wee bit now. So, I am assuming that it was all the muscles building up la kot. Sebab tuh la berat naik cam hape je. Although berat naik, I feel good about myself especially cos I noticed that perut dah start turun sket. Probably a few centimetres but at least firm la sket daripada flabby tak tentu arah. Hahahah... Is it just me noticing things or betul? Tak tau la... takkan la pulak nak tampal gamba perut kat sini kan? So, let's just say that I am not imagining it la yer. Hopefully. Hahaha...
Yang bestnyer, after going to the gym and consuming herbalife for some time now, I think I looked better than before. Suka ati aku la nak puji diri sendirik yekk... Chiow...
About Me

- As, Eija or Leeza
- Tanah Merah, Kelantan, Malaysia
- A wife, a mother of one, an educator and a homemaker
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