Camna ngan progress herbalife? So far so good. Anak2 sedara yang balik cuti skolah baru nih ader la jugak yang komen kata Cik Eija diorang nih nampak 'kurus' sket. Bangga tok sah nak cakap la. Memang gembira giler. Tapi penimbang tak jugak naik2 kononnyer nak kasik surprise. Tengah sabar lagik nih.
Then came the trip to Kl. Aku n Reen plan to meet up ngan adik kitorang yang pindah ke Batu Pahat awal tahun nih to celebrate our success in SPM 2008. Bukan budak jer yang celebrate ok, cikgu nyer pun celebrate jugak. Makanyer terjadikla peristiwa keterbabasan kitorang ngan makanan... makanan.. makanan di Shah Alam. Hahahaha...
Oh yea... before pegi amik Zue kat station bas, kitorang gi melepak kat Giant and came across one very nice penimbang yang measure kadar air dalam badan, lemak + of cos la berat badan kiter kan. Harga boleh dikatakan affordable so, aku pun walau dalam keadaan yang agak kekeringan beli jugak la penimbang tuh. Hehehehe... Yang pentingnyer... Aku memang puas ati... Nak amik gamba tapi kamera lak wat hal. So, nanti2 la aku buh gamba penimbang 'canggih' tuh dalam nih yekk...
Pagi2 the next morning, dengan bangganyer aku pun naik atas penimbang canggih tuh. Wahhhh.... dah 64kg. Tapi sejak dari episod keterbabasan kat Shah Alam tuh tak naik lagik penimbang tuh atas sebab2 yang tak dapat nak dielakkan. Nanti lepas2 nih kiter tengok whether number tuh still the same atau tak. Tapi for the time being, ticker tuh takkan ditukar lagik nombornyer sampailah dapat disahkan berat sebenarnyer. Takut seyy.... Serious aku makan banyak ari tuh. Ntah2 makin berat la pulak. Tapi... sendiri punyer salah... sendiri mau tanggung la kan? Hahahaha...
About Me

- As, Eija or Leeza
- Tanah Merah, Kelantan, Malaysia
- A wife, a mother of one, an educator and a homemaker
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Rasa lega yang amat lepas result SPM kuar pagi tadik. Officially result kitorang meningkat yang amat sangat dari tahun lepas. Tahun nih kitorang dapat 78% A1 and A2. Lega yang amat rasanyer. Sekarang nih rasa cam nak pulang paku buah keras balik je pada yang mengata kitorang ari tuh. Sib baik la kitorang nih kira baik lagik dan tau lagik mana yang baik and mana yang buruk.
Out of all the years yang dah ngajar kat Jeli nih rasanyer tahun nih antara yang paling ramai naik bilik guru to thank the teachers. Rupa2 nyer ingat jugak diorang nih kat kitorang walaupun dah dapat result cemerlang. Terharu seyyyy....
Nothing is as rewarding as seeing the smile on the students' faces and when they thanked us for teaching them.
Out of all the years yang dah ngajar kat Jeli nih rasanyer tahun nih antara yang paling ramai naik bilik guru to thank the teachers. Rupa2 nyer ingat jugak diorang nih kat kitorang walaupun dah dapat result cemerlang. Terharu seyyyy....
Nothing is as rewarding as seeing the smile on the students' faces and when they thanked us for teaching them.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Penat semalam duk skolah satu ari masih lagik terasa. Sib baik la esok dah ari Khamis. Tuh pun satu hal jugak. Esok result SM kuar. Aper la result English utk tahun nih. Mintak2 la elok pasal tak larat nak tadah telinga dengar orang bebel. Yang pentingnyer, Eija rasa Eija dah wat yang terbaik utk my students. I prayed that they would get the best in life.
Ntah la naper, tapi Eija notice yang Eija agak pemalas sejak dilabel nih. Rasa macam tak diappreciated jer. Bengang pun ader jugak. Tak abihs2 lagik rasa tak puas ati nih rupanyer.
And the most bengang part is that the person wont comment on my losing weight sekarang nih. Puas dah duk wat catwalk depan dia but she just wont budge. Dah macam2 baju dah duk catwalk depan dia nih. Keras ati sungguh la. Time Eija gemuk ari tuh berlumba2 nak comment although Eija tak nak dengar pun comment2 bernas diorang nih. Tapi now that I am a bit slimmer, tak der pulak comment2 dari orang yang selalu duk perati Eija atas bawah 24 jam nih. Makcik bengang ok.
Tapi... ader ker orang dalam dunia nih yang penah puas ati ngan aper yang dia ader yekkk? Hmm... I should give that a thought. Memang kiter tak penah puas ngan aper yang kiter ader kan?
Ntah la naper, tapi Eija notice yang Eija agak pemalas sejak dilabel nih. Rasa macam tak diappreciated jer. Bengang pun ader jugak. Tak abihs2 lagik rasa tak puas ati nih rupanyer.
And the most bengang part is that the person wont comment on my losing weight sekarang nih. Puas dah duk wat catwalk depan dia but she just wont budge. Dah macam2 baju dah duk catwalk depan dia nih. Keras ati sungguh la. Time Eija gemuk ari tuh berlumba2 nak comment although Eija tak nak dengar pun comment2 bernas diorang nih. Tapi now that I am a bit slimmer, tak der pulak comment2 dari orang yang selalu duk perati Eija atas bawah 24 jam nih. Makcik bengang ok.
Tapi... ader ker orang dalam dunia nih yang penah puas ati ngan aper yang dia ader yekkk? Hmm... I should give that a thought. Memang kiter tak penah puas ngan aper yang kiter ader kan?
Thursday, March 5, 2009
pictures of me in school today....
Tapi aper2 pun I do feel good today. Tadik on the way nak gi bilik guru, ader one of the staffs kat makmal yang tengah practice main carrom ran out and said to me, "Eija..... nampak kurus sangat ari nih." I LIKKKKEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
This is me in school today working on my herbalife shake... Hehehe... Mind the table because it is full with papers and things that my students kept on dumping everytime they came around.
Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know that it's Thursday and I am supposed to wear batik today but my dress do look like batik a bit, right? He.. he... he... Who cares? Nobody dared to say anything to me these few days since the incident in the meeting room a few days ago. I am REBELLING at the moment. Ha.. ha.. ha...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
So... this is my mentor, my health saviour and my friend. Friend is just too small of a word to describe her. She is more like a sister than a friend. She is the one responsible introducing me to the world of herbalife. If it is not for her, I would still be the old me.
You can see that she too has shed the excess weight that was once with her. This is the picture of her today, wearing the same baju kurung that she once wore two years ago in the first picture that I posted before. Notice the changes?
To Kak Ros... Thanks for introducing me to Herbalife. I don't know how to repay everything that you've done for me. I'm very grateful that you are there in my trouble times and in helping me and supporting me in everything I do.
So, here are the pictures that I have promised. Can you see the difference? Yeehaaa... Let me do a little description of the pictures. The one in shirt was me in Decemver 2008. See the butt and the tummy? Hehehe... And then the one in the red baju kurung and the white blouse is me after one month consuming herbalife. And the baju kurung kedah is me today... I have lost the tummy and butt... hahahhahaha.... I think I will put up more pictures today just because I am so HAPPY!!!!!
I feel good!!!!
I do feel better today. I am wearing a new tudung and baju kurung kedah that i can't fit into since.... I don't remember when. What I know is that I have not worn it for quite some time because of my bulging tummy. Thank to me for being stubborn, not wanting to wear the bengkung after I give birth to Firhan.
What makes me feel even better was the fact that my son actually commented that I do look slimmer now. Last night as I was busy walking to and fro in the house looking and trying to clean my things, my Firhan said, "Mama, mama kurus la sekarang". And that really makes my day... errr... night... er... whatever... And that comment makes me smile until today.
I did take a picture of myself today since it is exactly 2 months after I've taken Herbalife. I will upload it later. Need to finish up some work first... And I am still smiling!!!!!
What makes me feel even better was the fact that my son actually commented that I do look slimmer now. Last night as I was busy walking to and fro in the house looking and trying to clean my things, my Firhan said, "Mama, mama kurus la sekarang". And that really makes my day... errr... night... er... whatever... And that comment makes me smile until today.
I did take a picture of myself today since it is exactly 2 months after I've taken Herbalife. I will upload it later. Need to finish up some work first... And I am still smiling!!!!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
work, work, work
I felt like screaming my lungs out since yesterday's meeting. I was shocked that one of the people in the admin labelled my unit as lazy, uncooperative and hard to deal with. And all that labelling rooted from our discrepancies over the holiday camp! All because of that holiday camp that not even the students want to have a share with!!!! ARRRGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!
I don't know what went wrong and what triggers all that negative comments about us but when that happened, somehow I just got the courage and the guts to remind her that it's not like we are LAZY to work or are trying to be DIFFICULT, but everything happens unexpectedly. For example, is it my fault that UPSI is holding its convocation on the very day that the holiday camp starts? Is it my fault that my Masters class is during the weekends? IS IT SUCH A HUGE MISTAKE THAT I WANTED TO PURSUE MY MASTERS NOW AFTER WORKING FOR 8 YEARS? And was it my fault that MARA decided to send 4 out of the 7 English teachers for their KDC-KPLI for one whole year everytime there is a holiday since 2007 to 2008? Is it really my fault? ADOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!
What's wrong with the people nowadays? As if I have such good connection with all those people that I purposedly arrange for every date to befall on the dates when the college has something going on. I didn't know that with me not being in all the programs held in the college that somehow the program would collapsed or would not run as smoothly as it should be. I didn't know that my presence is all that important after all.
What is wrong with the people out there? Can't they just leave me alone and just let me do my work my way. Aren't they supposed to be satisfied with the progress of my students who are slowly improving and that all my work are done and completed as scheduled? Aren't they supposed to?
I don't know what went wrong and what triggers all that negative comments about us but when that happened, somehow I just got the courage and the guts to remind her that it's not like we are LAZY to work or are trying to be DIFFICULT, but everything happens unexpectedly. For example, is it my fault that UPSI is holding its convocation on the very day that the holiday camp starts? Is it my fault that my Masters class is during the weekends? IS IT SUCH A HUGE MISTAKE THAT I WANTED TO PURSUE MY MASTERS NOW AFTER WORKING FOR 8 YEARS? And was it my fault that MARA decided to send 4 out of the 7 English teachers for their KDC-KPLI for one whole year everytime there is a holiday since 2007 to 2008? Is it really my fault? ADOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!
What's wrong with the people nowadays? As if I have such good connection with all those people that I purposedly arrange for every date to befall on the dates when the college has something going on. I didn't know that with me not being in all the programs held in the college that somehow the program would collapsed or would not run as smoothly as it should be. I didn't know that my presence is all that important after all.
What is wrong with the people out there? Can't they just leave me alone and just let me do my work my way. Aren't they supposed to be satisfied with the progress of my students who are slowly improving and that all my work are done and completed as scheduled? Aren't they supposed to?
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