Hi, Hello Everyone,
Dah lama sangat rasanyer meninggalkan dunia blog. Rindu rasanyer but what to do? Life's was so hectic with I don't really know what but am still trying hard to adopt and adapt with all life's happenings until now.
What's new this year? let's start with Firhan first yekk... Of cos la kena start with the apple of my eye kan? Who else would I be talking about? Heheheh....
Firhan has started kindy. Nothing glamourous abt the kindy cos me and hubby just anta dia kat kindy yang dekat ngan umah. Tadika Kemas je. Al-maklum la. Dia tak penah berjauhan dengan umah. Nak main depan umah Tok dia pun ader je yang menunggu or else dia akan duk lam umah sampai la ader orang nak teman dia main kat luar umah. Hehehe...
The first month was tiring for the dad. Firhan kept on crying whenever the dad anta gi skolah. Not that he did not enjoy school but because he was never left being alone before. Lama jugak mende nih jadik. For almost a month jugak la. But finally it ended because after a month he was sure that nobody wants to leave him there. After repeated assurance yang mesti akan ader orang amik dia after the school ends. Alhamdulillah now he is all better and enjoys school and friends and teachers too.
However one event really touches my heart until now. This happens when I had a chance to send him to school cos I was taking the day off. As usual I woke him up, make him take his shower and wear his uniform to school. As usual I was expecting that he would at least shed a tear or two but the other way round happened. It was I who shed the tears not Firhan. He was being his jolly self, opens the car door, kissed me on the cheek, waved his hands at me and reminded me not to forget to pick him up later. He even said, "Mama jangan reverse kete lagik ye. An nak lalu belakang kete masuk skolah." Alamak, my baby boy is all grown up and I don't think that I am ready for this. Not yet! Not just yet!
Although I am not ready yet to accept the fact that my boy is all grown up, I know that I have to accept it sooner or later. Tapi I do enjoy it when he does his homework and see how fast he is picking up all the skills learnt at his school. The part yang paling I suka is when he is now into books. Heheheh... Just wish that there is a library nearby for him to go to nanti when he knows how to read because I remember that I was always being sent to the library in Alor Setar on Saturdays to read books and participate in activities yang diorang wat kat sana for kids. The part I like best is the goodies yang kitorang dapat lepas main game. Hehehehe...
Oppss.. time really flies. Need to get ready to go to my mother-in-law now. My Firhan, hubby, Niya and Danish must have been waiting for me. Agaknyer la if diorang tak gerak gi mana2 lagik..
About Me

- As, Eija or Leeza
- Tanah Merah, Kelantan, Malaysia
- A wife, a mother of one, an educator and a homemaker
Friday, April 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The Latest on Firhan
Firhan is going to be in kindergarten next year. Am actually anxious for him. Reason being, I cannot imagine him sitting still in class and actually pay attention to the teacher. Hahaha... What a prejudice mom, right? Tapi who can actually picture my son, Firhan, in a class and studying. He gets bored easily, can never sit still even when eating and the only time he can stay in one place is when he is sleeping. Tu pun tak sangat considering that I am always having body aches whenever he is sleeping next to me. Ader malam2 yang I cannot stand him kicking, I would just scold him and ask him to sleep next to the father. Hahaha... I know. I am mean... But not all the time yer. ( I think)...
Firhan progress so far? Hmm... I have longed to see Firhan ride a bike without the kiddy tyres so a few days ago I took if off his bike. I promised him that I will buy him a bigger bike that suits his size if he can ride it. Firhan pun aper lagik? Praktis la bersungguh-sungguh cos he wants a new bike for himself. Amazingly, after a few hours of trying, dia dapat naik basikal tayar dua. Bersungguh2 dia praktis sampai mama dia nih pun kesian kat dia. Berpeluh-peluh anak mama sorang nih praktis naik basikal nak tuntut basikal baru.
As promised, I bought him a new bike that evening jugak cos he has been practising hard to ride the bike. Sayang anak mama. Gamba akan diupload later cos line is not good still. Tunggu bukak skolah yer...
Firhan progress so far? Hmm... I have longed to see Firhan ride a bike without the kiddy tyres so a few days ago I took if off his bike. I promised him that I will buy him a bigger bike that suits his size if he can ride it. Firhan pun aper lagik? Praktis la bersungguh-sungguh cos he wants a new bike for himself. Amazingly, after a few hours of trying, dia dapat naik basikal tayar dua. Bersungguh2 dia praktis sampai mama dia nih pun kesian kat dia. Berpeluh-peluh anak mama sorang nih praktis naik basikal nak tuntut basikal baru.
As promised, I bought him a new bike that evening jugak cos he has been practising hard to ride the bike. Sayang anak mama. Gamba akan diupload later cos line is not good still. Tunggu bukak skolah yer...
feeling good
Monday, December 14, 2009
My mom and my sister and the family are going home today. Sedey nyer. Rasa cam kejap je sangat dia datang sini. Sigh....
Tinggal lebih kurang dua jam je lagik sebelum semua nyer will be on their way back to Kulim. Tapi I plan to prolong it a bit by being a bit late for breakfast. Hahaha... Jahatkan? Okay la tuh cos hubby and Firhan are not up yet though Mak dah siap mandi and tengah packing. As for myself... Jap2 lagik la nak siap. Mati la kalau Leenda tengah baca my post this morning. Hopefully dia tak sempat nak baca cos sebok ngan anak2 and packing barang and getting herself ready to go home. We promised to meet up at 10am for breakfast. Menu for this morning is Nasik Kerabu Kak Zah.
While my mom was here, food was heaven. Dia masak simple2 je tapi still la air tangan ibu is the best in the world. Eh, jangan silap. Dia masak 2,3 ari nak balik nih je. Yang lelain tuh I masak kay with my cincai skills of cos. Sempat la asah skills sekejap yang memang dah lama tak diasah. Looks like mak enjoyed it cos berat dia tambah masa dia kat sini. Hahahaha... Tak tau la whether because I cooked or what.
Then my sister came and we ate kat luar everyday cos she wanted to try everything. The evening yang dia sampai tuh kitorang reramai gi makan kat Mee Kg. Pek. My brother-in-law kata syeeedapppp. Malam tuh ingat nak ajak makan nasik lagik tapi diorang kata diorang dah kenyang makan mee tuh sampai rasa cam nak pecah perut. End up kitorang gi Wakaf Che Yeh shopping-shopping Malaysia. Kitorang sampai umah dah dekat 2am in the morning. Wahahaha...
Yesterday pulak kitorang gi makan Nasik Ayam Kampung. Syeeedapppp jugak. Tengah ari kitorang gi Rantau Panjang cos my sister nak makan Bihun Sup kat sana yang sememangnyer amat menjilat jari. Duk sana sampai dekat Maghrib. Malam lak my mother-in-law ajak gi makan kat umah so kitorang gi la lepak2 sana pulak for dinner. Balik kat homestay my sister kitorang lepak2 sampai midnight while sembang2 and eat Colek Perut, Laksam yang ader serunding daging and telur puyuh with buah2 yang kitorang beli kat Wakaf Che Yeh the day before.
Kalau ikut my sister, dia ader 2,3 mende lagik yang dia tak dapat nak makan while she is still here which are Cucuk2 which I don't know how to explain the kind of food yang dia suka nih, Colek Buah pacik depan Maybank yang yummy and also tapai goreng yang pacik n macik depan masjid nih mmg tak wat dah. Kalau dia lama sket kat sini I plan to bring her to Kota Bharu to try one goreng keledek yang memang menjilat jari kat area depan masjid Kg. Sireh on the way to Tesco. Tapi dah tak sempat nih kena kira trip yang lain pulak la nampak nyer. The more excuses to keep her coming over kan?
Overall I hope that my mother and my sister enjoyed their trip over to my house cos I did. I enjoyed every moment, every second that they were here and I hope that they would always come over. Sedeyyyy nyer diorang nak balik dahhhh... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....
Tinggal lebih kurang dua jam je lagik sebelum semua nyer will be on their way back to Kulim. Tapi I plan to prolong it a bit by being a bit late for breakfast. Hahaha... Jahatkan? Okay la tuh cos hubby and Firhan are not up yet though Mak dah siap mandi and tengah packing. As for myself... Jap2 lagik la nak siap. Mati la kalau Leenda tengah baca my post this morning. Hopefully dia tak sempat nak baca cos sebok ngan anak2 and packing barang and getting herself ready to go home. We promised to meet up at 10am for breakfast. Menu for this morning is Nasik Kerabu Kak Zah.
While my mom was here, food was heaven. Dia masak simple2 je tapi still la air tangan ibu is the best in the world. Eh, jangan silap. Dia masak 2,3 ari nak balik nih je. Yang lelain tuh I masak kay with my cincai skills of cos. Sempat la asah skills sekejap yang memang dah lama tak diasah. Looks like mak enjoyed it cos berat dia tambah masa dia kat sini. Hahahaha... Tak tau la whether because I cooked or what.
Then my sister came and we ate kat luar everyday cos she wanted to try everything. The evening yang dia sampai tuh kitorang reramai gi makan kat Mee Kg. Pek. My brother-in-law kata syeeedapppp. Malam tuh ingat nak ajak makan nasik lagik tapi diorang kata diorang dah kenyang makan mee tuh sampai rasa cam nak pecah perut. End up kitorang gi Wakaf Che Yeh shopping-shopping Malaysia. Kitorang sampai umah dah dekat 2am in the morning. Wahahaha...
Yesterday pulak kitorang gi makan Nasik Ayam Kampung. Syeeedapppp jugak. Tengah ari kitorang gi Rantau Panjang cos my sister nak makan Bihun Sup kat sana yang sememangnyer amat menjilat jari. Duk sana sampai dekat Maghrib. Malam lak my mother-in-law ajak gi makan kat umah so kitorang gi la lepak2 sana pulak for dinner. Balik kat homestay my sister kitorang lepak2 sampai midnight while sembang2 and eat Colek Perut, Laksam yang ader serunding daging and telur puyuh with buah2 yang kitorang beli kat Wakaf Che Yeh the day before.
Kalau ikut my sister, dia ader 2,3 mende lagik yang dia tak dapat nak makan while she is still here which are Cucuk2 which I don't know how to explain the kind of food yang dia suka nih, Colek Buah pacik depan Maybank yang yummy and also tapai goreng yang pacik n macik depan masjid nih mmg tak wat dah. Kalau dia lama sket kat sini I plan to bring her to Kota Bharu to try one goreng keledek yang memang menjilat jari kat area depan masjid Kg. Sireh on the way to Tesco. Tapi dah tak sempat nih kena kira trip yang lain pulak la nampak nyer. The more excuses to keep her coming over kan?
Overall I hope that my mother and my sister enjoyed their trip over to my house cos I did. I enjoyed every moment, every second that they were here and I hope that they would always come over. Sedeyyyy nyer diorang nak balik dahhhh... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....
Monday, December 7, 2009
Yesterday, I took my father-in-law to the hospital to get his hypertension medication. Everything went well until I get a terrible throbbing in my head. I wasn't myself tapi I tried my best to look ok in front of my father-in-law cos takut lak dia risau. The pain did not go away even after I was home. I asked my mother to massage my head a bit but tak jadik aper. I asked Mak Esah to massage me, still tak jadik aper. Finally I went onto the massage chair, duk kejap kat situ then I just cannot open my eyes and I stepped down and baring atas sofa sampai tertido.
After that, my sister-in-law gave me Actifast to ease the pain. Lega kejap tapi kejap je la. Apsal la at this time my medication sume abihs? Sakit tul! Dah lama tak sakit cam nih. Sian kat my sis-in-law cos kena masak utk orang2 kat umah even though she is in confinement. Nak wat camna lagik kan? Memang dah tak leh nak bukak mata langsung.
Finally I asked my brother-in-law to send me and my mother home sebab nak jugak kena carik my own medication sebab Actifast just wont work for me. Dah balik umah, mandi, makan, and makan ubat baru la legaaaaaaa rasa kepala.
Then I called my hubby to ask what time is he leaving Gua Musang so that I can estimate time dia nak sampai. Tetiba dia kasik tau yang kete kitorang accident. Adoiiiii... Another disaster la pulak. Tapi alhamdulillah nobody was hurt except my car. Sian my car. Dah baper kali dah dia accident.
Hmmm.... mintak2 ader la rahmat di sebalik semua dugaan nih. Doa2kan la kitorang ye...
After that, my sister-in-law gave me Actifast to ease the pain. Lega kejap tapi kejap je la. Apsal la at this time my medication sume abihs? Sakit tul! Dah lama tak sakit cam nih. Sian kat my sis-in-law cos kena masak utk orang2 kat umah even though she is in confinement. Nak wat camna lagik kan? Memang dah tak leh nak bukak mata langsung.
Finally I asked my brother-in-law to send me and my mother home sebab nak jugak kena carik my own medication sebab Actifast just wont work for me. Dah balik umah, mandi, makan, and makan ubat baru la legaaaaaaa rasa kepala.
Then I called my hubby to ask what time is he leaving Gua Musang so that I can estimate time dia nak sampai. Tetiba dia kasik tau yang kete kitorang accident. Adoiiiii... Another disaster la pulak. Tapi alhamdulillah nobody was hurt except my car. Sian my car. Dah baper kali dah dia accident.
Hmmm.... mintak2 ader la rahmat di sebalik semua dugaan nih. Doa2kan la kitorang ye...
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Jemput... Jemput... Jemput Jengok Kedai ku.... :)
Yeah.... bersempena ngan cuti skolah yang dah tak lama lagik nak abihs nih, demi untuk mengisik masa lapangku yang agak keboringan di rumah.... Aku telah mengusahakan sebuah kedai online. Barang2 nyer tak banyak lagik tapi buat masa sekarang nih tengah mempromote barangan terbaru iaitu Mandisplurge.
Dengar nama pun sure leh agak kan aper mende nyer. Nih la produk terbaru masa sekarang untuk add on to our toiletries set. Aku pun pakai gak mende nih dan amat puas ati la ngan keberkesanan nyer menghilangkan itam2 celah peha di samping bau nyer yang syyyeeeddaaappp itu.
Cakap banyak pun tak guna kat sini kalau tak try sendirik. Kalau rasa berminat or nak tahu ngan lebih lanjut lagik pasal produk nih... Silalah jenguk ke kedai ku di asleezaramli.blogspot.com . Jemput ye kengkawan...
Dengar nama pun sure leh agak kan aper mende nyer. Nih la produk terbaru masa sekarang untuk add on to our toiletries set. Aku pun pakai gak mende nih dan amat puas ati la ngan keberkesanan nyer menghilangkan itam2 celah peha di samping bau nyer yang syyyeeeddaaappp itu.
Cakap banyak pun tak guna kat sini kalau tak try sendirik. Kalau rasa berminat or nak tahu ngan lebih lanjut lagik pasal produk nih... Silalah jenguk ke kedai ku di asleezaramli.blogspot.com . Jemput ye kengkawan...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
So Many Happenings in Life...
It has been a while since I last put up a post here. Between the last post and this post, a lot has happened to me and that has caused me to keep on postponing my post until today.
The first thing that happened to me was my students sitting for their PMR examination last October. I hope and I pray that they all did well for their papers especially English la kan... Hehehehe...
And then, right after the PMR, the college organized a program for the post-PMR students and I was in-charge of the English Awareness program. Alhamdulillah everything went well although there was a glitch here and there. Mana ader mende yang perfect dalam dunia ni kan? The program held was no doubt good but the kids are not really fond of it, of course. Tak leh nak salahkan diorang gak cos diorang dah berhempas-pulas for their PMR and when they were looking forward to having a lonnggggg holiday tetiba ader post-PMR program pulak... Just imagine their faces and moods during the program. Memang menyedihkan jugak la... Tapi whatever it is, they tried their best and did their best.
Right after the post-PMR program was Commencement Day for the Form Three and Form Five students. Tak leh nak cite banyak sangat cos I wasn't there to witness it all. Tak gi amik gamba reramai pun cos I was busy preparing food and cleaning the venue for the VIPs. Heheheh... I was the AJK Makanan. Tak penah hayat dapat jawatan nih tetiba tahun nih dapat. Kalut ribut sediakan makanan n seating placements. Sib baik la ader pembantu2 yang efisien. Terima kasih daun keladi yer kengkawan... Kalau Eija kena lagik tahun depan, korang la yang akan ku cari... hehehehehe... And the best part was... The VIP commented that the food was good, the service was good. All in all, semua nyer positive comments. Legaaaaaaa sangat. Although I wasn't the one who did all the cooking, who cares. I was there to get the compliments kan? hehhehehe....
And then early November, bapak mentuaku dimasukkan ke hospital sebab sakit and had to undergo a minor surgery. Di saat bapak mentuaku menjalani operation tuh jugak la adik iparku gave birth to a baby girl yang semua nanti2kan... Mau tak nanti nyer? The youngest niece from my husband's side is now 12 years old and she is not into the girly2 dress. Dah besarkan? Tak leh la nak salahkan dia kalau dia tak nak ikut kepala2 makcik2 dia yang tak berapa nak leh harap sangat nih... Hehehe...
And the last thing that happened to me is right before Raya Haji. Two things actually. One is that my biras gave birth to another nephew for us all and another one was my mom came to celebrate Raya with me. Hehehehe...
Best tak my life? Everyday is a day to celebrate. I feel lucky that I am blessed with good students, family that I adore so much, extended family yang keep on growing (saper la pulak nak give birth next year yer?) and a good job that allows me to have fun all day.... What else could I ever ask for?
The first thing that happened to me was my students sitting for their PMR examination last October. I hope and I pray that they all did well for their papers especially English la kan... Hehehehe...
And then, right after the PMR, the college organized a program for the post-PMR students and I was in-charge of the English Awareness program. Alhamdulillah everything went well although there was a glitch here and there. Mana ader mende yang perfect dalam dunia ni kan? The program held was no doubt good but the kids are not really fond of it, of course. Tak leh nak salahkan diorang gak cos diorang dah berhempas-pulas for their PMR and when they were looking forward to having a lonnggggg holiday tetiba ader post-PMR program pulak... Just imagine their faces and moods during the program. Memang menyedihkan jugak la... Tapi whatever it is, they tried their best and did their best.
Right after the post-PMR program was Commencement Day for the Form Three and Form Five students. Tak leh nak cite banyak sangat cos I wasn't there to witness it all. Tak gi amik gamba reramai pun cos I was busy preparing food and cleaning the venue for the VIPs. Heheheh... I was the AJK Makanan. Tak penah hayat dapat jawatan nih tetiba tahun nih dapat. Kalut ribut sediakan makanan n seating placements. Sib baik la ader pembantu2 yang efisien. Terima kasih daun keladi yer kengkawan... Kalau Eija kena lagik tahun depan, korang la yang akan ku cari... hehehehehe... And the best part was... The VIP commented that the food was good, the service was good. All in all, semua nyer positive comments. Legaaaaaaa sangat. Although I wasn't the one who did all the cooking, who cares. I was there to get the compliments kan? hehhehehe....
And then early November, bapak mentuaku dimasukkan ke hospital sebab sakit and had to undergo a minor surgery. Di saat bapak mentuaku menjalani operation tuh jugak la adik iparku gave birth to a baby girl yang semua nanti2kan... Mau tak nanti nyer? The youngest niece from my husband's side is now 12 years old and she is not into the girly2 dress. Dah besarkan? Tak leh la nak salahkan dia kalau dia tak nak ikut kepala2 makcik2 dia yang tak berapa nak leh harap sangat nih... Hehehe...
And the last thing that happened to me is right before Raya Haji. Two things actually. One is that my biras gave birth to another nephew for us all and another one was my mom came to celebrate Raya with me. Hehehehe...
Best tak my life? Everyday is a day to celebrate. I feel lucky that I am blessed with good students, family that I adore so much, extended family yang keep on growing (saper la pulak nak give birth next year yer?) and a good job that allows me to have fun all day.... What else could I ever ask for?
feeling good
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I LIKEE!!!!!!!
Yes! Recently I tried online shopping and I just got my two things this morning. I LIKE it so much!!!
The first thing I bought was a handbag yang brand nyer dirahsiakan. Hehehehe... but it is my favorite brand. I've been trying to look for one that I really like and I found it while blogwalking last week. Without much hesitation, I bought one and it reached me this morning since I wasn't here on Sunday due to fever. I opened it excitedly in class ( dont't worry I wasn't teaching at that time. My students wanted to watch movies since next week they're having their standardized test). Although they were not as excited as I was, of course la kan but I just couldn't stop smiling until now. Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!! Memang puas ati la.
The second thing I bought was a sandal. Sandal warna itam yang tak leh pakai gi sekolah. He told me that it smelt sweet and it really does. Letak bawah meja pun still boleh bau lagik sandal tuh. Some sweet fruity smell. Nice la jugak. Wonder how long will the smell last.
So far this is the fourth thing that I bought online. I can say that now I am not as sceptical as before when buying online. It is as safe as going shopping. It just saves you the hassle of parking, beratur nak bayar and berebut2 ngan orang2 lain. You can just sit comfortably in your chair in your own house or office and buy things that you like. One turn off nyer is that you cannot really 'feel' the material that you are buying. Tuh je la kot.
Yang pentingnyer..... I LOVE MY RAYA HANDBAG.... Heheheheh...
The first thing I bought was a handbag yang brand nyer dirahsiakan. Hehehehe... but it is my favorite brand. I've been trying to look for one that I really like and I found it while blogwalking last week. Without much hesitation, I bought one and it reached me this morning since I wasn't here on Sunday due to fever. I opened it excitedly in class ( dont't worry I wasn't teaching at that time. My students wanted to watch movies since next week they're having their standardized test). Although they were not as excited as I was, of course la kan but I just couldn't stop smiling until now. Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!! Memang puas ati la.
The second thing I bought was a sandal. Sandal warna itam yang tak leh pakai gi sekolah. He told me that it smelt sweet and it really does. Letak bawah meja pun still boleh bau lagik sandal tuh. Some sweet fruity smell. Nice la jugak. Wonder how long will the smell last.
So far this is the fourth thing that I bought online. I can say that now I am not as sceptical as before when buying online. It is as safe as going shopping. It just saves you the hassle of parking, beratur nak bayar and berebut2 ngan orang2 lain. You can just sit comfortably in your chair in your own house or office and buy things that you like. One turn off nyer is that you cannot really 'feel' the material that you are buying. Tuh je la kot.
Yang pentingnyer..... I LOVE MY RAYA HANDBAG.... Heheheheh...
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