Yeehaaa... akhirnyer akan ku ubah juga figures kat ticker ku itu. Mesti sume org tertanya2 apsal la aku nyer ticker kali nih lambat bebeno berubahnyer. Jawapannyer amat la mudah... Sebab tak disiplin sangat. Last March banyak bebeno cuti skolah nyer yg menyebabkan aku asyik terbabas tanpa alasan yang munasabah. Sendirik wat sendrik mau tanggung la kan? Hahahaha.... Padan ngan muka sendrik.
Tapi yg bestnyer even though ticker ku itu amat lambat untuk berubah figures nyer one thing that I noticed that I am starting to get compliments from people around me. Heheheh... Aku gumbira!!!!! Students pun dah start complimenting on my figures now. Yang bestnyer even diorang pun dah ramai yang bawak botol air gi class to drink while studying to keep them fresh. It's a good start for them la kan to flush all the junk foods yang diorang consume the whole day and years before. Hehehe... Am promoting good health to the students indirectly. Aren't I proud of myself? Wohooo....
Yang paling make my day today was the fact that even the staffs kat office bawah leh mistaken me for someone else. I took that as a compliment sebab nama yg diorang sebut tuh... tidak la orangnyer kecik bebeno tapi slim la dari diriku inikan? Hehehehe... Best! Best! Best!
Now I need to figure out how to shed all the excess fat kat perut pulak... Any suggestions anyone? Tuh jer yang wat aku rasa hodoh lagik sekarang nih... Sigh....
And.... I am fasting today. As of 1o'clock nih I don't feel anything yet. I mean hungry and still energetic even though just sempat amik shake and not much water this morning for sahur. So far still okay lagik. Nampak macam bebudak kat skolah nih lagik lembik lak dari aku. AKU BANGGA!!!!! Hahaha (evil laugh nih) Muahahahhahah....
About Me

- As, Eija or Leeza
- Tanah Merah, Kelantan, Malaysia
- A wife, a mother of one, an educator and a homemaker
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
there's always a first time for everything

Lamanyer tak update blog. Supposededly nak kena timbang berat dah nih tapi tak tertimbang lagik cos malam tadik baru balik from Shah Alam. Lewat sampai sket sebab sepanjang jalan asyik jumpa ujan lebat.
This picture tepi nih is my classmates for my masters class. Tak cukup members nih sebab sorang tak der cos wifey just gave birth and anak kena jaundice. The baby dah discharged so no need to worry much. Just kena gi clinic every 2 days je. Congratulations Zamree!!! The other one yang tak der is Kak Pah. Tak tau apsal dia balik cepat yesterday. Tetiba je masa amik gamba dia ilang. The one in the middle sitting tuh is our lecturer, Prof. Dr. Hazadiah Dahan. I love her skirt very much. Ala-ala corak Sarawak gitu. She always has nice clothes on. Geram je nengok all her clothes collection. The class was really tough especially when it comes to the assignment part but we had fun during the class still. Thanks to Prof. Haz for the delicious dinner treat at Orkid Thai Restaurant. I would recommend you guys to go there too. Kitorang nyer meja abihs licin bantai lauk sampai tak tinggal sisa... Huahuahuahuahehhehe...
Talking about Shah Alam, something happened to me when I was there. I had my first asthma attack. Can you imagine that? Siap kena pakai mende sedut idung tuh lagik. Aper namanyer yekk? Tak salah nebulizer. I hope I got the spelling correct. It all started the night after the dinner with Prof. Haz. Balik tuh dah start rasa tak sedap but I just ignore it and took my sinus pills before sleep. However it got worse when I woke up for my class. Tapi gi jugak class tuh sebab it was the last class for the semester. Sampai kat class I just couldn't take it anymore and asked to go to the clinic. Sampai kat clinic the doctor was shocked to see how bad my asthma was and treat me for the nebulizer. Ader la jugak 10, 15 minutes kot duk sedut mende tuh and finally... TADAAAA... I was all okay. Went back to class but I just couldn't concentrate anymore sebab asyik dozed off je.
It was scary to have that kind of attack tapi alhamdulillah I am all better now. As of today, asyik batuk2 jer lagik tapi tak leh nak makan ubat sebab it can cause drowsiness and I have to drive to work today. Lagikpun takkan la nak masuk class ngan mata separa terbukak kan? Kalau cikgu nyer mata separa terbukak bebudak nih amik kesempatan la tutup mata terus. Bukan boleh kasik can ngan anak2 kesayangan kat skolah nih. Hahahaha... Biasak la tuh kan...
Wish me all the best yer. Hopefully it won't happen again....
p/s: Nanti eija update pasal berat. Asyik sibuk je sekarang nih. Firhan pun agak terabai sekarang nih. Sian dia. Sib baik class dah abihs though assignments tak siap lagik. Heheheh...
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